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Bobby Fischer can defeat the ai chessbot
 June 28 2024 at 02:56 am
greater than the ruskies, it's the ai.hgjghjgk The powerful unbeatable platform, the ai clifeform will not be defeated by a serious human opponenet.uhkhjkhjj Yet bobby's iq is just 150-170, topplied by kazpaoavors over 220 iq and cleraly bette rplaystyle. YEt the AI's approximate IQ is just 2800. close to or at atkin it's rating.ghggkjhhg Who can deefeat the ai, who can match big blue's plastyle.hjghgjhgjhgjhgjg BObby may not get away gjhgkhggjhg he shoud playlike an old lunatic and confound the AI.nmdefeating it with it's own sensibilities.jhgg perhaps bobby fisher can give up playing basketbvall and play amore defesnive form of chess, whereby he manipulate the ai into slowly giving up all of its gains.hgjgj If only bobby ficsher could play nothing something, that would cure cancer.gjh hgghjgggggggggggggtuygtuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uygggggggggggggggggg bobby fischer can defeat the ai, he can cripple tempt its playstyle plus the ai has disadvatnages that any ai ha most recetnly sen in th starcraf tgame where thep layre minauplate hte ai into loing ai pattersn that can be capaitlized on endkless. if boby just found one of those pattersn,e hecould defeat the AI instantly nd put this matter to rest. BObby fischer is the basketball champ, but AI is the reining football STar marching across endlesss oponnentss at a time, stepping over them endlessly wth it's long up front 0500 move playstyle. Taking advantage of all possibilities of the game, to face hte AI opponen, the huamn it coins itself. But who is bobby He is the man who ste foot and crippled russia, not one to be taken lightly and laet the AI be away that is facin the rissna, no, the american who defeated gary kazpoaravn, obby fischer Bobby fischerhas to sweee up the mond, and hold the AI to an opponent like any other. Or eerhaps hockey, with lts of motion to swirl. and confound acptuare the AI opponent. Playing against he machin eis the trick here, and boby ifscher has it in him to do it in this manic state once.

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