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Unjust Courts
 April 14 2024 at 02:51 pm
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Unjust Courts Posted on April 14, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, as long as people are treated unjustly, and unfairly by the courts, how can any of us expect fair and just treatment? We can’t. A dog understands justice. Unfairly give two dogs out of three a treat, ignore the other, and there will be a reaction. Because justice is so hard wired into our psyche that even pets understand it. That’s why we have the cannon of law. To call the unjust just. It may take a lot of intelligent thinking, to rationalize injustice as justice, but we have some of the smartest lawyers who’ve ever lived. Backed by judges who live in an echo chamber atop an ivory tower. Law has been crafted into the acme of Thrasymachus’ version of “justice.” Where law is used by the strong to take from the weak and pretend it’s just. As US law and our courts are obviously doing. People are on their best behavior when in public, knowing this, how absurd is it for the courts to publicly shame themselves? The term “Railroaded” was invented in the 1800s because, at that time the railroads had so much political favor, they could act with impunity. They would take anything they wanted no matter how illegal…. and the courts would back them. Thus the term… “Railroaded” came into popular vernacular. The railroads were stripped of their power by public opinion. The public became so annoyed at the obvious political favor the courts were giving the railroads, they contacted their representative, cornered him in public and at rallies, demanding action on the railroads. The railroads had acted in public and so had angered the people into action. Courts rule based on political favor and expedience, then backtrack with law, to justify it. As they did with the railroads, Dredd Scott, Buck v Bell, Korematsu, Wickard v Filburn, etc… making them theater, masquerading as courts. Because, those decisions spit in the face of Constitutional rule in general, and our Constitution in particular. US courts aren’t the only ones subject to this. All courts across the planet rule based on political favor. Look at the recent ruling of the World Court, that Switzerland hadn’t done enough, to combat climate change! Even as Europe is burning down due to an invasion of people who despise Europeans, their customs and their little dogs too. That same court would never rule against unlimited immigration. No matter the negative effect on the people or immigrants. Examples abound of our courts publicly humiliating themselves. The absurd, clearly political charges against Trump, are only the latest in a long line of public humiliation of the justice system, at their own hands. Kyle Rittenhouse’s self defense was documented by a multitude of cameras. Yet, the courts tried to crucify the boy, to manipulate public opinion against our Constitutional Right of self protection. Barring that, make an example of him so others will simply lay down and die. Then there’s the example of Julian Assange. The British courts have humiliated themselves over and over. Even today doing mental gymnastics to extradite him against their own law. Can you imagine how lacking self awareness the Texas and Connecticut courts were, when they railroaded Alex Jones, for wrongspeak? Even an amoeba swimming in a pond in northern Alaska knows US courts are worthless. The public action of our courts has utterly obliterated their authority. All they have now is naked power, that flows from the end of a gun… as Mao put it. Those with political favor will fight to the death, to protect the system that protects them, while we hoi polloi don’t know how to wrest justice back. This isn’t a recent problem, as Plato’s Republic explained, with the Sophist Thrasymachus. Is Justice simply a tool for the strong to control the weak? Or is it a real thing? It’s real… because even a dog understands it. So what we have in our court systems today, are malevolent people railroading law, to their own ends. To the detriment of humanity… until we become sufficiently outraged to do something about it. Sincerely, John Pepin
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The Value of Experience
Dre Carlan
 April 12 2024 at 04:10 pm
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I once knew a girl in high school who I admired very much. Her grades were consistently at the top of the class. She had a style all her own. Her bedroom walls were covered in magazine clippings and collages she'd spent long hours on. She didn't mind falling off a skateboard and scraping her elbow. Her creativity just shimmered through everything she did, no matter how small. She seemed like the model student. More so, the model friend. Then she started trying different things. Introducing different chemicals into her already-brilliant psyche. She figured that she may as well now, while she was still young and able. That—, in her words—, she'd like to have all these things "under her belt." It confused me. She already seemed perfect, why the need to experiment if you've been blessed with so much. Stranger yet, her grades never suffered. They didn't dip once. Throughout all the psychedelics, pills, and whatnot—, she remained on top of her class. This confused me even more. Long story short: she transferred schools and I never saw her again. I'd often think back to her free spirit and nonchalant attitude toward drugs and try to see the soundness therein. Her premise was probably that the more experiences one has, the more they'll have to draw from, hence, the more reliable their conclusions will be. But I don't need to stick a needle in my arm and shoot up heroin to know it's bad for you. There are studies available. I've skimmed a few. All sarcasm aside—, there actually are people in this world who won't respect an iota of your opinion if you haven't done each and everything you're describing on a firsthand basis, multiple times over. Though, nobody reaches the top of the Empire State Building and needs proof that jumping toward the street below will be the worst—, and last—, mistake they'll ever make. It's common sense. It's engrained into our DNA. Rationale; it's there to be used, often. So why this elitist obsession with having as many things under one's belt as possible? They claim "enlightenment" as these would-be’s ingest handfuls of brightly technicolored capsules and listen to music so new that it hasn't even been assigned a sub-genre yet. These "brave" culture warriors teeter the edge which divides our mainstream from the scary wilderness beyond. They self-appoint themselves the true curators of cool but only because there is nobody else who cares enough to make such a huge production out of whatever the current flavor-of-the-week happens to be. Everyone else is gone. They've moved on. They grew brains and with them created goals, outlined plans, and just started taking those who chose to stay behind at their words. "Oh..., too many counteractive drugs in your body will shut down your central nervous system?" So I’ve heard. "Oh..., you smoked three packs a day for twenty-some years and now you're bummed out by your test results?" Hmm... "Oh..., going through withdrawals really isn’t fun?" Wow. A priori knowledge is independent of experience, a posteriori is dependent on experience or empirical evidence. If a privileged upper-middle class teenager who's been lucky enough to grow up in an environment where the realities of drugs could be observed through both those that litter the streets of his downtown and the internet at large, still needs further empirical evidence to fully commit to a conclusion, then I would venture to say that he is probably welcoming of all the misery he's plunging himself toward. There are certain things in life that I don't need to experience on my own skin in order to label them a certain way. A priori knowledge. Anyone who sees this as whimpering away with fear is a masochist and can be my guest when it comes to trying "that new gasoline stuff."My only guess is that people are forever trying to one-up each other. You've tried the pink powder? Well I've tried the blue. And so on and so forth. I don't admire this type of thinking. It gets you killed or at the very least, makes you extremely regretful. The one I admire is the third person looking at the two who are arguing with a look of bewilderment that shouts out: “Why?!”
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A future without the State
 April 14 2024 at 01:44 pm
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Libertarians fully accept and embrace hierarchical social or economic contracts that are entered into voluntarily. As long as all participants are doing so voluntarily, and have the option to opt out if the other party fails to uphold their end of the contract, libertarians have no problem with anyone choosing to set up their own commune, socialist endeavors, or any other collective arrangement. What people like myself wish to make widely known by all people is the very real fact that there is no such thing as a legitimate central planning authority. No self respecting human being would knowingly support giving other human beings carte blanche authority over every aspect of their social or economic lives. Considering the rules and edicts, depending on which political gang is in power, are continually changing, there is no way to even make a decent case for the pretense of a Social Contract any more. A Contract by its very definition sets the rules for all participants to abide by. And all participants know the rules can not change without everyone agreeing to those changes. The future of individual liberty will entail a shift from politics and central planning governments to something akin to any other business model that gives everyone personal autonomy and accountability. Getting an education, going to the Doctor, and even what we use as a economic medium of exchange, storage of value, or economic measuring tool (currency) will be done with no gang of middlemen taking their cut or dictating the rules in their favor. The future has the potential to be very bright for those who seek true liberty. However, there will be a whole lot of growing pains and a lot of suffering before that can happen. Which is why it is wise to put your social and economic life in order sooner, rather than later, so you will be one of the ones fully prepared for the transition. CL
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Thought For The Day: What's the righteous answer?
Kaizen Androck
 April 16 2024 at 07:02 pm
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As a teacher and proponent of the Socratic method, I often use thought exercises with my students, prodding them toward the truth instead of spoon-feeding them as their indoctrination camps (schools) do. I am new to posting here, so I decided to post a thought exercise here to spark conversation. Please consider the following hypothetical scenario, and give your opinions in the comments. Several years ago, a veteran of many wars returned to his family home, having finally quit the military after the last war. He had been on the losing side of the conflict and finally had enough. Let's call him Tom. Tom returned home to his wife Ellen and their six children. A day later, some of the victors in the war sent a few of their soldiers to Tom's house and they seized control of the premises under threat of violence. Tom and Ellen had no choice but to abide. They had to prioritize their children's safety. A few days of harrowing misery later, the occupying soldiers invited some other people to come and live in this house. Let's call this new group, Omega. The Omegas loved the new house and began making changes around the house. They drove the kids out of the best rooms and the six children now began sharing two rooms, cramped for space. Tom felt powerless and aged quickly. A few years of living in such despair saw Tom and Ellen in the grave. When the will came, the soldiers acknowledged that the majority of the house now really belonged to the Omegas and the children could find lodgings in the meager barn on the property if they so chose. The soldiers decided that they had done what they came for, and left the house with the Omegas firmly established in the house while the six children were relegated to the squalid barn. The children tried their best to recover their stolen house but to no avail. They failed. Many years passed and the Omegas flourished in the house while the six kids managed to have families of their own, a few of whom, remained in the barn while the others fled searching for more hospitable areas elsewhere. In the meantime, the remaining family members tried to wrest back control from the Omegas but they failed, always being driven back to the barn. Sometimes, the Omegas even assaulted the barn, surrounding it so that none of the neighbors could help them even if they wanted to. Now, do Tom and Ellen's progeny have the right to take back their home from the Omegas, no matter the cost and the time that passed?
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Is anger useful? A martial artists notes
 April 23 2024 at 07:18 pm
I was on facebook and saw a quote attributed to Bruce Lee saying you should express your anger. It made me think a bit and I decided to jot some notes. It turned into this, basically an essay. I thought it was maybe worth sharing. I didn’t edit it very much, mostly changed some of my own shorthand and added breaks in the text for readability. I feel with anger the first thing is to analyze and feel it, understand where it is coming from and why. Next one should decide it's worth, make a conclusion. If it is not worth acting on, acknowledge it's validity as a messenger and as your sensitivity and calibrate and let it go. If it is worth it, decide how to act and take action in a way where you reach a resolution and allow the motivation it gives you to fuel and energize you... Don't bottle anger and suppress it. Don't ignore it. Acknowledge it and evaluate it. Raise your awareness of it so you may let go of the things nagging the edges of your vision. If you ruminate on it without resolving it or dismissing it, you only grow anger into rage. You become irrational and destructive. If you tell yourself anger is wrong entirely and immoral, you judge yourself every instance you make a strong and emotionally felt judgment and this is an irony and a self fulfilling circular logic or lack of awareness. It's not about just automatically letting go of anger as it's felt regardless of why. It's not about rejecting anger as a bad emotion devoid of value. It is understanding why it exists and utilizing it well. You don't automatically stoke a fire through addressing anger rather than dismissing it yet if you address the offending issue angering you with more offending anger it doesn't just let it go and it does fan the fire. It's more like you recognize why it is there and decide to send the signal to a higher level than a state of raw reactionary anger… you meditate. Ultimately on the one hand you want them to understand how you feel, how their actions affected you on a gut level, subconsciously and yet also you do not want to lower yourself to the level of someone who did wrong unless it is needed for self defense. Ultimately you do want to extinguish the anger somewhat as venting is more like adding fuel rather than resolution. It gives you something to do and expends energy but releasing energy also stimulates more energy unless the act of releasing it also has a mechanism for defusing. Defusing is done through understanding and resolution. If a retaliation is done to what caused the angry reaction rather than on just anyone or anywhere it does achieve a sense of justice likely derived from the gut reaction to share the wrong back to show what it feels like rather than a true desire to hurt who harmed, though maliciousness is done as well. If you teach a martial arts student to use anger they will have bad self control and self awareness, it makes them go over the actions of aggression for its own sake like a drug. Venting does anger like an exercise. It drills it and encourages it. If you teach them to judge it or fear it they will run away and not deal with issues. Either way it is reactionary. I'm not sure if distracting is valid. If you've evaluated and dismissed rather than distracting I'd say it's moving forward whereas distracting might cause more rage to build on the edges or subconsciously. It seems it is wrong to teach a student to imagine someone they dislike or use anger as a tool for motivation unless it is a just and righteous self defense or defense of others and yet what about the motivation to defend others or yourself rather than the motivation to destroy the one who offends you? I think of stuff like DBZ, Dragonball Z where they fight monsters essentially and the idea of righteous anger but also it seems like an inflammation and disease somewhat yet also inflammation makes things heal and rebuild muscles. It teaches being reactionary as well if it's done wrong. You should sort of not want to harm others even if they harm you. A sense of justice and self affirmation seems natural when you do but it is often overdone. Why shouldn't motivation serve as motivation rather than anger or rather a sense of duty or urgency to take action when it is vital. You should get motivated to take action because you want to do the right action and anger is just one signal and emotion, there is a full array to evaluate. If you have a strong ability to analyze quickly and a strong awareness then it gives less rise to anger and you seek resolution more readily. Often anger is more distracting than motivating if it stays after the initial signal though it sometimes becomes a detached sense of "something's off" so you don't automatically assume you were wronged. Even if you were wronged you seem to try to understand why until it is outside of your ability to do anything and it still harms you, making you feel weak maybe but also strengthening your resolve. It is your decision what method to use and the way you see it when you deal with stressors and you don’t know where the end is. If you are agitated and angry and seeking resolution… still it's best to accept the situation and seek resolution and accepting doesn't mean agreeing it means seeing what is and then deciding what is the next move and seeing what is makes the next move wise. On some level it starts to feel like you do want to teach yourself through reiteration to strike back and this is a reflection of the struggle of existence yet you want to do it wisely. Distracting yourself or ruminating makes it worse. Ruminating fuels and distracting ignores. If you sit with it and do nothing until you decide why it's there and what you should d, it effectively uses the emotion for a resolution and sees it for what it is. It is a blockage, it is a sense of wrong. Deal with it effectively and you are more aware of what is right and you get strong. It's like saying any emotion is a drive, sure yes, why? Anger is not aggression, anger nor aggression are violence. It's about enthusiasm rather than overreaction it's about tuned with the moment and high energy and motivation but not based on either fear or anger and yet also utilizing these as messengers.
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Everything Must Be Regulated
 April 02 2024 at 03:51 pm
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Everything Must Be Regulated Posted on April 2, 2024 by john Dear friends, It seems to me, we have to mature beyond the childish notion, everything has to be regulated by the government. It’s a fallacy for several reasons. This fallacy assumes government is a fair, honest and wise regulator. It isn’t. It goes on to magnify the mistake by ignorance. Some things are better left to themselves. Just as some knowledge is best unknown. Moreover, when everything is regulated by government, any governmental chaos ripples out to the whole of society. Obviously, the government that regulates everything, must be unlimited. Else it can’t regulate everything. Unlimited power not only corrupts the good but is magnetic to the worse kind of people. Making it impossible to have clean government. Which is why government regulation is a childish notion. Ideas are doomed to fail that era based on a toddler’s view of the world. Not simply go wrong but cause human disasters. History is filled with examples of naïve people becoming despots and reigning in terror and chaos. Robespierre is but one. Such people, and the notions they hold as truths, are more dangerous than asps. Because, once reality proves their ideas are failures, they double down out of hubris. Magnifying the damage. Until they are killed or deposed by the next ideologue. Who himself will impose his naïve will on mankind, to make the world safe for spotted owls. Each a juvenile despot, because only a despot has the political power to impose foolishness, on an unwilling world. So the world’s nations are ruled by childish despots, each trying to make the world better, by making it worse. “If men were angels we wouldn’t need government…” or so the saying goes, and if governments were angels, there would be no problems. Men aren’t angels and neither are governments. Therefore, the assumption that governments are fair, honest or wise, is naive. There has never been an honest, fair or wise government. That doesn’t mean it’s not possible, just terribly improbable. Those who place bets on improbable events, with low profit and high loss potential, aren’t even smart gamblers. A rube betting on a pea under a walnut shell. Since government isn’t fair, honest or wise, why would anyone entrust them with the monumental task of regulating everything? Or anything for that matter? Given this truth, it’s wise to limit the role and scope of government, to limit the reach of the corruptocrats that run it. Governments that regulate everything, like fascist, socialist and communist states, must have a despot with the power and iron will to hold it together. Like Cuba did with Castro. Folks will accept poverty, tyranny and deprivation under a Mao, Stalin or Castro… but once they die, all bets are off. The people will eventually rise up against an oligarchy that replaces the despot. Few examples exist that buck this trend. The CCP and South Africa are the only examples I know of. Since Cuba is embroiled in an anti communist revolution now. A revolution without the backing of the world elites, so its not reported, but it’s happening. I support the anti communist revolution in Cuba. Though I pray they replace the communist government with a constitutionally limited one. So it can’t regulate much. Many people would love to have a protective big brother, smothering mother and sugar daddy, all rolled up into one. In their childish minds government fits that bill nicely. Even as the corrupt rulers of any state would love to fill that bill. There’s nothing a psychopath wants more than masses of people dependent on him, unable to move without his okay, and therefore helpless victims to his whims. Dupes ruled by juvenile parasites. So, the government plays to the dupe’s need for a parent, and pushes the notion everything must be regulated by government. Because we can’t trust each other. People are bad. But government is good. Despite the fact its made up of people, the government itself tells us, are bad. Therefore, believing everything must be regulated by government… is stupid. Sincerely, John Pepin
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The Power Of The Purse
 April 16 2024 at 02:56 pm
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Power Of The Purse Posted on April 16, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, we see the astonishing power of the purse in the medical system. Any debate that goes against the narrative is stifled by the threat of liquidation. Punishment is rapid and severe should anyone have too much to think. That’s one reason why the vaccine that isn’t… is still available, pushed on toddlers, and no one has gone to prison for the deaths it’s caused. How many medical advancements have been suppressed by the medical elite… exploiting their power of the purse? Since the power of the purse is so omnipotent, when used by people with a backbone, isn’t it sad the US House abdicated it to the bureaucracy? The power of the purse has such amazing force, it’s capable of getting people to participate, knowingly, in the murder of millions… or the destruction of their own nation. Those who control the funding have the ultimate say. Speak up against Global Warming, and everyone knows, you get fired. From a weatherman, to a physicist at CERN, your job depends on your keeping quiet… and participating in the lie. So the experts participate. Do you want to study toenail fungus? Don’t bother writing for a grant… unless your study is how global warming is making toenail fungus worse. Then untold millions will be available to you. That’s how the funding of research can be used to manipulate data, and conclusions. Come to the wrong conclusion and you’ll never get a grant again. So “scientists” will lie, and participate in lies… to keep their job. As would you or I. If our livelihood depended on it. Because, only a fool, or hero, bites the hand that controls the purse strings. Covid’s origin and effective treatments were suppressed by the power of the purse. Upon Covid’s appearance Fauci set himself to using his power to control the flow of money, bribing the experts, to parrot what he told them to say. They were faced with a dilemma. Lie when they know they’re lying, or face the wrath of Fauci. They saw the example the elites made of Doctor Malone, and no one wants to be made an example of. Stripped of credentials, lambasted in the media and called a quack… for telling the truth. It’s much easier to play ball and lie. To this day, the control of who gets what funding, decides the narrative about Covid, and the mortally flawed vaccine that isn’t. Not just shutting up “scientists,” but getting them to participate in murder… by the power of the purse. How many people took the vaccine, knowing it’s potentially mortal side effects… because their job depended on it? I know of several. Those people knowingly risked death, or worse, to keep their sucky job. Now that is power. The power of the purse. It can force people to risk life itself. No wonder the bureaucracy so loves it. Bureaucrats decide what gets funded. They write the budgets, and representatives give it a thumbs up, or thumbs down. If they give it a thumbs down, the mockingbird media attacks them and threatens their jobs. So republicans always back down, rather than shut down, the government. In this case, the power of the purse, is used to wrest the power of the purse, from the congress. Because one side is willing to use it… while the other is terrified of it. It’s astounding congress gave the power of the purse to the bureaucracy, since it’s able to get people to forswear their honor, participate in lies, and even mass murder. How do we know this? Because under a “rock ribbed republican,” speaker Johnson, the republican controlled House didn’t write the budget, the bureaucracy did, under the guidance of the democrats, and the “budget” they passed reflects it. The bureaucracy decides what gets funded, who gets punished for speaking out, and who gets rewarded for playing ball. Not the republican controlled House. They gave that power up. Instead, holding hearings about how bad Biden is… and doing nothing about it. Showing us how useless congress is. Having given anti- Americans the power of the purse. A purse our Constitution gave to them. Sincerely, John Pepin
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Vampire Elite
 April 26 2024 at 02:29 pm
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Vampire Elite Posted on April 26, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, our elites thirst for blood is insatiable, their sere mouths need slaking as if they were tied down in the desert sun. Not simply Western elites but elites the length and breadth of the planet. That’s why it’s so important to murder the Jews, slaughter the Russians, exterminate the Ukrainians, crucify the Christians, kill the Hindus, starve the poor, draw Europe into the death fest, and goad Putin into using nukes on America… as the CCP’s greedy eyes peruse Taiwan, India, and Vietnam, as stepping stones to the rest of the world. Africa needs to be held in perpetual poverty by the socialists, as South America must be fed propaganda, to starve them. Over one hundred thousand Americans a year die of Fentanyl overdose. Twice the deaths of ten years of Vietnam. Making Dracula look like a gnat. The US government spends untold billions a year on spying. Are we to presume such a magnificent amount of money is insufficient to determine the source of the fentanyl? When the news reports it regularly? For free. The CCP even has tax incentives for producing fentanyl, and its components, to send to Mexico for use in the US. Which makes the CCP over the last two decades the most effective murderer of American citizens there has ever been. One hundred thousand a year, times twenty years, is two million Americans the CCP has murdered. That death count exceeds any foreign war the US has ever been in. In fact it exceeds all the foreign wars combined. That level of slaughter couldn’t have been accomplished without the help of parched US elites though. European elites are salivating at the thought of getting in a dust up with Russia. They think they can take it this time. Even if they have to nuke the world… to protect it from peace. Even as the elites help China’s military buildup, as their grandfathers did to the Germans earlier. While European and American elites abet the importation of fentanyl to kill their citizens by the truckload. Open borders, a media that downplays and distracts from the death count, as well as keeping their mouths shut when talking with their accomplices in the CCP. Of course, it’s fun to jet off to some exotic land to chat about how the people in Africa and South America must be kept in perpetual poverty, for the planet’s sake. Socialism has worked fine, so far, so why change direction? Since famine is almost as good as war. The propaganda we’re inundated with, and the news denied to us speaks louder than a thunderclap, as to our elite’s desires. How often is the ethnic cleansing of Nagorno Karabackh talked about in any news? The Armenians have lived there since before the time of Jesus, and are being exterminated by the Azerbaijanis. That’s perfectly acceptable though. Because it helps slake our elites thirst for blood. The Genocidal Gazan propaganda has to be maintained, to keep the war between the Jews and Muslims going, forever. A critical base load source of blood for our elite. That’s one of the reasons George Soros bought up a bunch of Spanish language radio stations. To maintain the drumbeat of chaos inducing propaganda insuring our jugular veins stay open. It appears the biggest problem the elites had with Trump, and still do, is his peacenick stance on perpetual war. How dare he want to stop the slaughter?!?! He tried to stop the fentanyl deaths too! They say Trump even wants to raise the standard of living of people in Africa and South America… The intolerable human heartedness! Doesn’t he realize those poor elites are dehydrated from being tied down in the desert sun? No wonder they’ve gone completely insane. Insane from thirst. A mere one hundred thousand deaths from fentanyl a year, isn’t enough to keep their mouths moistened, let alone slake an insatiable thirst. Our elites need blood. Our blood. The only other solution would be to replace them with elites that aren’t vampires… before God turns the water into blood. To finally slake that thirst. Sincerely, John Pepin
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The Doom Loop Of Economics
 April 10 2024 at 03:01 pm
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The Doom Loop Of Economics Posted on April 10, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, American cities have committed suicide, entering the doom loop of economics. Under the normal progression of creative destruction, you would expect the collapse to be followed by a Renascence. Sadly, in this case that’s unlikely. Because the problem that’s destroying our cities isn’t going away with the economy. It’s entrenched. Diverting the normal creative destruction cycle. Sticking them in the destructive phase… forever. Many cities are stuck in the doom loop of economics. Though not all are, or used to be, mega cities. Small towns sometimes get stuck too. Usually from poor decisions by the town elders. Seeking short term success, and personal profit, over the city’s interest. Leading to a town getting stuck in the doom loop… just like NYC and SF are now. Joseph Schumpeter in his book, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, coined the term, “Creative Destruction.” My take on his idea is that economics runs in a cycle. That cycle is similar to the natural growth cycle of organisms. There is a period of growth, followed by a period of stagnation, then growth again, and so forth. In economics, his theory is that the growth phase (creation) creates malinvestments, high cost and graft. The recession phase (destruction), cleans out the malinvestments, cuts the cost of start ups and cleans out the graft. Then entrepreneurs buy up those cheap storefronts, factories and commercial buildings to start their businesses. The cycle starts anew. The Holy Grail of economics, the cup Keynes clutched at, is to stop the cycle at the top. The destruction phase can’t be overcome by cheap facilities, if regulations, graft and crime make it impossible to do business. The best idea will fail, even with almost no overhead, if the moment the doors open, everything is stolen. Only in places where there’s high profit can graft be successfully maintained. Then there are taxes and regulations. Money is fungible, it’s like water, always seeking level, so a cost is a cost. No matter if it’s for facilities… or lawyers and taxes. Therefore, in places with high taxes and regulations, even a free property can be too expensive to renovate. Especially when those same taxes and regulations are driving away the other businesses and those with means to leave. That’s how big cities and small towns get stuck in the destruction phase of creative destruction. To allow such cities as Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore to rise, the people holding them down must be removed. With the corruption at the ballot box in those cities, that’s not going to happen. So they’ll continue their free fall to oblivion. Despite having cheap infrastructure, a workforce and ideal locations. Because the source of the friction to their rise is built into their systems. Regulations make it incredibly expensive to do anything. Graft and taxes follow any success at all. That is, if a business can get past the rampant, unprosectued crime. Finally, a main tenet of Confucius was that people follow their leaders. From the mayors office and beat cop to the poop gatherer on the street, the entire edifice of government in American cities, have followed. They’re corrupt to the core. Smart people are fleeing. America is being drained. One look at the US debt clock proves it. Our decaying cities and towns are only the physical manifestation of it. The rot started at the top and it’s at the top that we have to address it. Rudy Giuliani cleaned NYC up, and now is public enemy number one… even as NYC has become a disaster zone again. Showing what the elite want. The rush of people with the means leaving is creating a vacuum drawing in freeloaders speeding the descent. Companies are leaving our cities due to crime, the “migrant” crisis and safety. Even as small businesses are on their heels. If a shop owner defends himself from a thug, robbing him, NYC police arrest the shop owner. The problems our cities and small towns face, are largely of their own making, but at least the corrupt are getting rich doing it. Sincerely, John Pepin
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Modern Courts
 March 29 2024 at 04:23 pm
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Modern Courts Posted on March 29, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, what most modern courts and judges are too stupid to realize, is the court itself is on trial every bit as much as the defendant, especially when a defendant has negative political favor. Not only is the justice system’s honor on public display, before the public and world today… but they themselves will be judged as long as records are kept. In their hubris today’s judges think their illegal rulings are forward thinking. They, after all, have the benefit of two centuries of human advancement to draw upon. So why follow the dictates of a bunch of ancient ignoramuses? Forgetting, the very authority they wield is based on the writings, thoughts and constitution those ancient ignoramuses created. Undermining their own authority… and recording it. Can anything be more stupid? History is filled with examples of US courts taking the nation away from Constitutional principles. In some pie in the sky progressive power grab. Take Wickard v Filburn. FDR and the progressive intellectuals had it with capitalism. They understood they could run it better, being so smart, wise and dog gone it, just better people than the rest of us. The darn Constitution stood in the way. So the Supreme court wiped Constitutional limits away, ruling anything that effects interstate commerce can be regulated by the federal government, no matter how tangential, inconsequential or private. Opening the way for the birth of permanent Washington, also called the bureaucracy, administrative state, and deep state. History reviles those “justices.” As it does all judges that violate their oaths. The judgment in Korematsu was as anti American as it’s possible to be. The Supreme court went along with a Presidential edict, by FDR, that imprisoned American citizens, without warrant, charge or trial. Based purely on how they looked. That ruling has allowed the government to break every constitutional right we have, by calling it national security. Even to the point of murdering people… in the name of justice. The “justice” Thrasymachus opined about in Plato’s Republic. Where the strong take from the weak and call it just. Because the courts, controlled by the strong… say it is. Ruling based on political favor instead of law, precedent or Constitution. Then exploiting their knowledge of law, precedent and Constitution, to justify their ruling. Exactly backwards, and publicly, like in Korematsu. The Buck v Bell eugenics case spits in the face of our Constitution. In that illustration of why Thrasymachus was right, the Supreme Court ruled a woman must undergo forced sterilization, to protect the gene pool. She was weak, the strong decided to take her ability to have children from her… and used law, precedent and power to call it justice. These laws are still on the books today. In the US the government can, at the President’s arbitrary determination, lock up whole swaths of US citizens without warrant, charge or trial. The bureaucracy can deem you a threat to the gene pool, arrest you, and force you to undergo a medical procedure designed to harm you. Government can order you to starve on your own farm. All called “just” by the supreme court. Justice as Thrasymachus described it. As our courts gut Constitutional protections, in their ignorance and outright stupidity, they gut their own credibility. Which is why people today see courts as biased, corrupt and running contrary to their purpose, and history will record them as villains. The role of the Courts is to protect our Constitution, our Rights and limit the power of the elite. Our Thrasymachus courts have expanded the elite’s power, because judges identify with elites… not the hoi polloi. The grindstone never respects the grist. So why should the judges allow mere citizens to have rights? The grazers might get uppity. Forgetting, history has a long memory, and justice doesn’t change depending on the political favor of the defendant. Everything they rule is recorded. Proving, judges today are too stupid to know, “Always in cash and never in writing.” Sincerely, John Pepin
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Ethical Elites
 April 03 2024 at 02:34 pm
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Ethical Elites Posted on April 3, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, our elites have an ethics issue, they don’t have any. Our elites are people utterly lacking morals. They’re not so much amoral as immoral. Why do I say this? Because it’s obvious and no one else seems to be saying it. We have people without a conscience running the world today. Any glance at the actions of the elite over the last few decades shows unequivocally they’re demons. Who zealously attacks efforts at election integrity, other than people without integrity. Who opens the borders to their nation to criminals, sappers and terrorists? Villains who desire crime, chaos and terror in their countries. Moreover, what monster exploits law as a weapon? In doing so destroying our faith in the rule of law. These aren’t the actions of ethical characters but of immoral scoundrels. The gusto the elite display in defending election fraud is astounding. Anything that might limit the amount or severity of the fraud is crushed. It’s like they know the people hate and loathe them, and so need to use election fraud, to stay in power. If that’s the case, and only a fool would think otherwise, doesn’t that make the elite unethical, for opposing election integrity, and engaging in election fraud? Those certainly are not the actions of honest fair minded sages… but of scoundrels. You can tell when a state has become utterly corrupt. Elections are mere theater to manipulate the masses into thinking they have a say. But it’s election fraud that decides who wins. Why would the elite defend election fraud and attack any effort at election integrity? The fraud could harm them… unless they’re the fraudsters. The elite love open borders. George Soros has even named his anti human foundation, Open Borders. Since Biden pried the US border open, by executive order, and is refusing to enforce the law, untold millions of people have flooded the US. Even as the Tories in Britain, who came to power based on a pledge to cut illegal immigration, have steadfastly defended the invaders right to invade. Any criticism of the invasion, or their intent to murder their way through British society… is now illegal. Mouth off in Britain, and you’ll be arrested and extradited to Scotland, to face punishment at the hands of a lunatic court. Showing British elites are liars of the highest caliber. Heck, that’s not really true. All the elite are liars of the highest caliber. Lying isn’t considered ethical now, is it? The elite in the US and Europe are using law as a political weapon. Could there be a more unethical thing to do? Their exploitation of law to harm their political foes, Alex Jones, Kyle Rittenhouse, Roger Stone, Scooter Libby, General Flynn, and Donald Trump, obliterates the trust that took centuries to build. I, for one, have lost all faith in our court system. Probably you have as well. At least to some extent. Once law is used as a tool of political oppression, it becomes wholly useless to control the population. Because everyone sees it and its rulings for what they are. Manifestations of unjust power. Not simply unjust power, but power that misrepresents itself as fair, unbiased and honest… when we all know that’s a lie. Making judges some of the most unethical people around. Removing the fences between things creates chaos. Chaos can then be used to undermine the existing status quo, destabilizing it, to allow for a new paradigm to be built. Someone who would use such a tactic however would have to be bereft of ethics. Like our elites. Proven by their unethical stance on immigration, law and elections. There are dozens of other examples how our elites epitomize the term, villain. Their penchant for pedophilia, Covid, and the vaccine that isn’t. None of these things are ethical, moral or wise. They’re malevolent actions done by mortal demons. We have to ask ourselves, do we want people so immoral they exploit law as a weapon, pry our borders open, and engage in election fraud? Perhaps we should start demanding our elites have ethics? Sincerely, John Pepin
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A Free Ride
 April 24 2024 at 04:24 pm
A Free Ride Posted on April 24, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the elite have made the US and Europe a wagon, for migrants to hop on for a free ride. While us citizens are yoked to the contraption. The elite are guilty of this crime. An elite who went to great trouble, enabling it with legislation, encouraging non citizens to collect the dole. That non citizens can vote in many localities, for the faction that enabled them, is a bonus. Moreover, if casting a ballot is illegal, they can mail in their vote, no id, no signature match… no problem. Some may argue the cost in inflation is an issue. Not for the people who get the money first, Before it inflates the value of our money away. What is a bored MS13 gang member to do with their time? Crochet? Probably not. I’m sure most have more exciting ideas. It might be fun for them to drag their feet… The cost is no problem to the elite, who merely print up the money on a computer, and use it to pay for the non citizen’s welfare, social security, WIC, aid to needy families, home heat assistance, medicaid, free Obama phones, a pile of cash simply for getting here, and a free plane ticket to anywhere in the US they want to go mooch. Inflation steals the money from the citizenry without needing to put a gun to our heads. The theft is subtle and disguised, so the elite can claim, it’s “those greedy stores…” Like Eggbert’s grocer is getting rich selling potatoes for 50 cents a pound. Especially when the elite print up 60 billion, and flush it down the toilet in a foreign war… instead of using a penny of it to shore up our borders. Because that would cut off the supply of valuable freeloaders. The crime the elite expected is already paying dividends. In Australia, stabbings by members of the religion of pieces is skyrocketing. Following the trajectory of terrorism in Britain and Europe. Soon Europe, Australia and the US, will become the new Nagorno Karabackh. Crime, especially random stabbings, cause people to be uncomfortable. They’re a pain in the stomach. That discomfort leads to demands for more laws. But as Cicero said, “The more laws the less justice.” Which is obviously the goal of the elite. To create so many laws justice drowns in them. Mass shootings by illegal alien trans people is on the rise. That’s new. Even as whole sections of our cities are being abandoned because of rampant retail theft. Despite the demand from customers. There were a couple back in the nineteen sixties that came up with a plan to destroy the US. Making way for a communist takeover. They were Richard Cloward and Francis Piven. Their brainchild was to bankrupt the US by overwhelming it’s social safety net. Put so many people on the dole, the net snaps, and the US is bankrupted. Then the dollar is ruined, the people lose their jobs, resulting in general poverty, and chaos… then the Constitution becomes mere prose on friable paper. Paper the elite will be only too happy to set fire. To warm their egos by. A person who uses her right brain now and then, might look around and notice the parallels. Another, focused on his task, heedless of the outside world, a left brainer, won’t even notice. Our lack of contact with reality blinds us. The beauty of bringing in millions of people who despise us and our culture, is that they won’t simply ride in the wagon… they’ll drag their feet. What’s a bored migrant to do but pass the time engaging in crime? It’s exciting, rewarding, and with Soros prosecutors, no risk. Every illegal who works also gets welfare, wic, etc… which means, the citizen who competes with an alien for a job, has to make enough to pay his or her whole ride, and help pull too. While the person they’re competing against only needs mad money. Even as the wheels threaten to come off under the weight of the millions of new welfare recipients. Inflation is no problem to someone on welfare, the dole is tied to inflation. It’s the working stiff who gets it, and we get it alright, we get it good. It’s almost like the elite want to destroy America. Sincerely, John Pepin
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Buying Justice
 April 25 2024 at 03:05 pm
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Buying Justice Posted on April 25, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, while the recent Supreme Court ruling restoring property rights to American citizens, and chastising the EPA is a victory… it came at a cost. I don’t know what the lawyer bills for the Sackett family were, but I guarantee they were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not the millions. There aren’t many people with that level of wealth enabling them to successfully protect their Constitutional Rights. Which means… only the rich have actual Constitutional Rights, the rest of us get the scraps from the table, breaded in dirt . How many families have been abused by the EPA, and indeed all the other bureaucracies that exist only to make life harder for the average American? They didn’t have millions set aside to pay for attorneys. Doesn’t this paradigm seem unjust to you as well? The court system is based on political favor. We know this by their actions, past and present. By those actions, showing their political bias, we can predict with some accuracy their future actions. Obama could murder a child in public, and the media would say the kid had it coming, the DOJ would say it’s not their jurisdiction, and the NY prosecutor would play Pontius Pilot. Because Obama has too much political favor to charge with a crime. At least in NY. Courts use political favor as the primary source of their decrees. Then backtrack with reason to justify their rulings. A smart jurist like Oliver Wendell Homes, can make a perversion of justice so seamless, abuse looks like love. As in Buck v Bell. That’s why we buy lawyers… to lease their political favor, for our benefit. It’s good that we get the scraps from the table. Those scraps are getting fewer and further between though. For example, the legal system in NY is showing itself to be utterly corrupt. But here’s the rub… if they’re willing to violate a billionaire’s Constitutional Rights, in public, then what limit is there on the NY “justice” system abusing you or I? Nothing. Other than political favor. Once the court system has grudgingly allowed us a Right, they not so studiously, enforce it. We have many Constitutional Rights on paper, but I know people who’ve had their Constitutional Rights abused, that abuse exposed to the courts, and the consequences were for the victim, not the perpetrator. Because the victim didn’t have political favor. That’s where the law and order people have it wrong. Lacking the political favor to get the courts to rule on one’s side, a litigant can take the case to a higher court. Where he or she hopes the notoriety and publicity will force the court to rule justly. Which is usually a fools errand. Especially if the litigant has negative political favor. Unless the case is making the courts a laughing stock, making it’s patently in the system’s best interest to tamp down the knowledge of its corruption, so they rule justly. To protect their image. This paradigm however demands a great deal of wealth from the victim, to protect their Constitutional Rights… and ours. Even after having spent millions on lawyers, with strong political favor, many victims are crushed in the process. Making the legal game one for the rich… not the average Joe. A litigant with sufficiently negative political favor risks their attorney’s political favor as well. To the point of getting them disbarred. The system will steal the assets of a victim they don’t want fighting back. Especially one who’s been obviously aggrieved. Like Trudeau did to the Canadian Trucker protesters, and Gofundme shut down Kyle Rittenhouse’s fundraiser. Stealing their ability to fight back. Proving our system of “justice” is nothing of the sort. It replaces actual justice for Thrasymachus’ version. Where law is a swindle, so the powerful can steal from the weak, and call it just. If the weak fight back, now, that’s unjust. This inhuman system is gated by the huge cost of lawyers. Holding the hoi polloi ever at arms length from justice. They don’t call it the “Bar” for nothing. Sincerely, John Pepin
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The Tick
 April 17 2024 at 02:15 pm
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The Tick Posted on April 17, 2024 by john Dear Friends… Two guys, JOE and STEVE are in Steve’s apartment. Joe is relaxing on the sofa. Steve is rummaging in the kitchen. STEVE asks, “Want a beer?” Joe scratches the back of his neck. JOE says, “Yea. Thanks.” Joe rubs the back of his neck. Steve goes to the fridge. He opens it and grabs a couple of beers. Joe looks at Steve in time to catch a beer. He catches it. Opens it. He takes a gulp. Steve walks to the easy chair. He sets down. Picks up a remote. He turns on the TV. Joe stands quickly. JOE exclaims, “Argh!!! A TICK!” Joe picks at it with his fingers. Steve is concerned. JOE says, “Got it!” Joe looks at the evil little TICK. It looks back. JOE continues, “What should I do with it?” STEVE says, “Toss it in the ash tray.” In a squeaky voice the TICK says, “It burns! The ashes, they burn! I think its a chemical burn!” Steve cocks his head. Joe says, “I swear that tick is talking.” Steve gives Joe a strange look, He says, “No…?” The TICK says, “It burns! And that roach is smoldering!” JOE says, “It IS talking!” The TICK says, “Kill me! Burn me with a lighter, a magnifying glass or stick me with a pin… anything. End this pain!” Steve picks up a can of Raid. He hands the can to Joe. STEVE says, “Here use this.” Joe sprays the ashtray. Ashes go flying. The tick is encased in a foam pyramid of Raid. The TICK says, “This is worse! It still burns but now I’m sick too!” Steve picks up the ashtray. He walks to the door. Opens it. He tosses out the complaining tick. The TICK exclaims, “The sunlight burns my eyes!” Steve turns and says… “A tick is like a politician. Shows up where its not wanted, takes what’s not theirs and resents being treated like a parasite.” The End.
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National Security
 April 04 2024 at 02:35 pm
National Security Posted on April 4, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the greatest threat to American national security, is the government itself. Let’s consider it. What if the government miscalculates in their scheme to get Putin, and Russia launches a nuclear strike against the US? Will that have protected US national security? Obviously not. The world would end, America would cease to exist, and the government itself would have destroyed our nation. Then there are the masses of illegal immigrants flooding into our country. The government itself is abetting this attack on national security. Obviously, helping Iran and Islamists, who openly call for the destruction of America and is building nuclear weapons to that end, is counter productive to national security. To protect national security then, we need to disband the government. Every usurpation the government does is justified in the press as needed for national security. Yet the same people trodding over our Constitutional Rights, to protect us, are putting us in more danger than ever before. Even as the threat of nuclear war is higher now than in 1962. NATO has an army fighting against Russia in Ukraine, 30 years after the fall of the Berlin wall, and the end to the Cold War. All the while claiming Russia is the aggressor. There’s no reason to be at odds with Russia except the elite want it. They have decided Putin must go, and if the world is endangered with total destruction, so be it. That however, isn’t really conducive of national security now, is it? If the nation is wiped out in a nuclear inferno, wouldn’t that make the government the anti-securer of the nation? We have to be censored now, in direct violation of our Constitution because, national security. One wonders though, how is my speech dangerous to the continued existence of our nation, but the government allowing unlimited numbers of unvetted aliens into the country, isn’t? That doesn’t make sense. Millions of people, most of whom are probably nice people looking to improve their lives, but lets face it, they can’t all be good decent people. Like, perhaps, the criminals Venezuela took from their prisons and sent here, potential CCP sappers, and/or Islamic terrorists. 1% of 8 million people is 8,000 potential soldiers. Imagine what 12 battalions of terrorists could do in the homeland? Just the mass shootings, so far this year, amount to a far greater threat to national security than my speech ever could. The government is very worried you might make our nation unsafe by living too high on the hog. Even as they burn millions of barrels of fuel on armored conflict, fly private jets to global warming conferences and spend our nation to oblivion. The US pays a trillion dollars a year interest on the debt… and the elite are borrowing and spending more! There’s no limit to their spend thrift. A bankrupt nation is not a safe nation. I challenge you to argue otherwise. Then they hamstring our economy with carbon credits? All that does is enrich the rich, create a barrier to wealth for the people, and empower government to harm the nation’s interests. Yet the elite are concerned your pickup truck burns too much gas, your home is too comfortable, and you eat way too much beef. Which is more dangerous? If government is indeed as worried about national security as they claim, so much so they crush our Constitutional Rights under their jack boot, in a zealous march toward total safety… then why mortally damage our nation? Nothing is more risky to national security, the continued existence of our nation, than nuclear annihilation. The country descending into chaos, is far more destructive to national security, than our pointing it out. The same government that runs multi trillion dollar deficits, chastises us about our standard of living! The reality is, our nation’s continued existence is threatened more by our own government of globalist traitors, than it ever could be by American citizens thought, speech or other Constitutional rights. It’s time to disband the deep state in the name of national security. Sincerely, John Pepin
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Narcissistic Elites
 April 12 2024 at 03:08 pm
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Narcissistic Elites Posted on April 12, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, as the small is an analogue of the large, in physics, chemistry and economics, small relationships mirror large ones. The large relationships are those between groups of people and small ones those between individuals. The analogue becomes apparent when we examine the narcissist and the source of narcissistic supply. In the family a parent is occasionally a narcissist. That parent then destroys the child slowly, feeding off their discomfort and pain, a vampire that drinks suffering. The large relationship between governments and the people is a copy of the narcissist family. They create suffering in the people, then feed off that suffering, as a parasite feeds off a host. Which means the elite epitomize narcissism. Since there’s no curing the narcissist, the only answer is separation. The narcissist loves to create turmoil. When confronted with two options, one will improve the situation, and the other will make it worse… the narcissist, and narcissistic elite will reliably choose to harm. Especially if that problem gives them more power, because they’re the only ones who can solve the problem, (they intentionally created). Our narcissist governments then are the source of most of the turmoil we as mankind face. Out of their boredom they don’t have a choice but to stir up chaos. Which means the narcissist has to move regularly, because of the turmoil they created, fleeing the consequences, and to find new victims. The narcissist government so alienates the people, they seek to replace us, with new victims. Lured in with candy and pleas to help them find their puppy. Narcissists need to be the center of attention. If the people get too much attention, our narcissistic elites get jealous. Have you noticed, any time populism is mentioned in the unbiased media, it’s always in a negative light? “Why Thurston, as you know, that’s a populist notion…” says some authoritative brainiac on CNN. Avoiding the logical conclusion, that the speaker of such a sentence is by definition… an elitist. What’s an elitist? A narcissist who’s so arrogant, stupid and lacking self awareness, they think they can run the world. All they need are enough guns. Any nod to the needs of the ruled is, heavens to Betsy, populist! How can the elite be the center of attention, if we’re paying attention to the needs of someone else? As the narcissist does in personal relationships… so do narcissistic elites in government. Narcissists have big egos and are prone to narcissistic injury. As our narcissistic elites are. I’ve noticed a few times how Biden gets out of place angry when asked a difficult question. Often challenging the questioner to a physical duel… rather than answer the question. As a narcissist would. He’s not the only elite that resorts to anger either. The elite don’t like to be confronted by their lessers. Moreover, it appears, the higher in the hierarchy a person gets, the more narcissistic they become, or is it, only the most narcissistic rise in the oven of power? No matter, the top echelons of power are always filled with narcissists. Like Kamala Harris. No one can work for the woman. Clearly because she treats them so poorly. Isn’t that how you can tell the soul of a person though? The way they treat waiters? Let’s face it, we’re the victims of narcissistic abuse… from the elite. Sadly, there’s no curing narcissism. When in a relationship with one, the only way to stop being the victim of their insatiable need for narcissistic supply… is to leave them. Because you can’t fill a narcissist’s need for validation. It’s like filling a black hole. The more it gets the more it wants. The elitist narcissists that run the world today are a black hole. Their need for power, glory and attention only grows. Not only politicians but especially the bureaucracy. An ecosystem designed by narcissists, for narcissists and run by narcissists… for the benefit of those narcissists. We have to use whatever means are at hand to root them out of power. Then limit that power so the next crop of narcissists can’t do what today’s have. Sincerely, John Pepin
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Compromised Politicians
 April 13 2024 at 02:47 pm
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Compromised Politicians Posted on April 13, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, we’re way too hard on our friendly, thoughtful, and compromised politicians. While yes, many if not most are corrupt as vulture vomit, it’s not their fault. Some are literal psychopaths. Which is a birth defect. The rest are controlled by the deep state. Because, while a politician must face an election every few years, the deep state is above the law, our constitution and consequences. If a politician doesn’t have a perversion the administrative state can hold over their head, they’re picked up by a black SUV, and shown pictures of their children leaving school. People are vulnerable to many kinds of manipulation. Especially by immoral actors with omniscient surveillance and impunity to law. I wonder if that’s not why, people who started their careers in politics with integrity, rapidly become scum. Nowhere in the US Constitution, is the government given the authority to kill American citizens without trial… yet the deep state does it all the time. In fact the Constitution strictly forbids such activities. But, since the bureaucracy isn’t really a constitutionally constituted entity, it doesn’t have to abide by that antiquated document’s suggestions anyway. Our Constitution also expressly forbids what the government is doing to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Donald Trump… yet they’re doing it. Perverting law in public and without consequence. Because, the deep state has normalized their above the Constitution status, through the mockingbird media, and their sock puppets in congress. So the bureaucracy acts as it wants, justifying their endangering our very lives… by national security. The elephant in the room, of the Jeffery Epstein murder called suicide… is that it was done by the bureaucracy. No politician could have pulled it off. Even Colonel Robert Hogan couldn’t have swung that one. That murder and subsequent cover up was deep state action. Multiple people across multiple agencies had to be intimidated or bribed into complicity. Only the deep state has the ability to do that. Why? To cover up their political leverage operation. Had the tool talked the gig would have been up. The videos of their marionettes would have come out, and congress might have been cleaned of corruption. Until the deep state could salt the ground again. The result is, our “representatives” are captured by the deep state and bend to their will… even backwards, as we see with speaker Johnson. How is a septic tank different from congress? You don’t have to swallow the stuff that comes out of a septic tank. We go to jail if we can’t stomach the laws and lies our corrupt congress passes though. They have all year to come up with a budget yet fail to, every year, and “have” to pass an omnibus bill funding everything the deep state wants. Almost like the administrative state decides the budget and congress is a rubber stamp? Oh, representatives and Senators piss and moan about it… but dutifully vote for any usurpation when the time comes. They have skeletons in their closets too. Congress could stop illegal immigration with the passing of a single law, banning non citizens from any social services… but would never do that! They’re wisely terrified of the deep state’s wrath. Our politicians are controlled, they have no agency, a janitor at McDonalds has more freedom. Our politicians have too much power to harm the bureaucracy to be allowed a long leash. So they’re held in check by fear. Remember when Chucky said, “They have six ways to Sunday to get you…?” He was expressing his terror of the deep state. Quite an unintended admission, isn’t it? Our politicians may have started with honest, good and noble intentions, but intentions are the road to Hell… and the deep state’s made Congress a superhighway. What’s the answer? There are many things we could do, contact our representatives, inform our neighbors, participate in the process, etc… but we won’t do them. Sadly, we won’t act until its too late. The collapse the deep state will cause though… that always works. Sincerely, John Pepin
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Value, Utility and Perception
 April 19 2024 at 02:56 pm
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Value, Utility and Perception Posted on April 19, 2024 by john Dear Friends, Its seems to me, value is entirely a perception, and not reality. Sometimes we value the utile but most often we value the things we’re told are valuable. No independent thinking necessary. When we do think for ourselves, our value judgments are based on our perception, and not reality. I’ve heard it said that we don’t see things… we see utility. A rock is invisible, else it’s a hammer, knife or tripping hazard. We don’t perceive “rock” as much as the things we can do with it. The same goes for money. The utility we see in things gives value to those things. That value however, is a perception, not intrinsic to the thing perceived. This value as an idea and not reality carries into the ephemeral as well. We value relationships, beauty and the sublime… though they exist within our minds, and not the world. If beauty was a universal, then everyone everywhere, would find the same things beautiful. Empirically that’s not the case. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…” as they say. Since beauty is a central notion of value, we value the beautiful, and beauty itself is subject to personal differences, then clearly, the value attached to that beauty changes as well. Table salt is NaCl, all salt, on Earth as well as on Pluto. Table salt can be reduced to its components, reconstituted, and remains the same. Unlike beauty, which is subject to preference, can’t be deconstructed, and changes over time. The value we place on beauty then is person dependent. The ancient Chinese sage, Mo Ti it’s said, hated music. Yet others value music above all else. Proving value, like beauty, is a perception and not reality. I don’t know if it’s true, that we don’t see things, we only see the utility of them… it sounds true enough but I suspect no human quality can be reduced so. Nevertheless, it’s a starting point to examine value as it relates to utility. Different people see money differently. Some see it as the be all end all, we call them misers, others see money as a means to an end, we call them entrepreneurs, then there are those who couldn’t care less about money, we call them spendthrifts. In each case the value given to money differs depending on the goals of the individual. Showing that even money, the thing so many of us believe is a “store of value,” is nothing of the sort. It’s a perception, we value in accordance with our ideas, mindsets and goals. There’s no intrinsic value in a piece of printed paper. Except as tinder. It’s often difficult to differentiate perception from reality. Our perceptions are so tied up in our reality. Moreover, who has time and energy to burn doing so? Especially when our perceptions have so much effect on our lives. We chase money, beauty and status for the value we perceive in them. Else are told is in them. So we see value as a tangible thing. Gold is a store of value because its rare. Yet if gold became in glut, the value would go away fast. Tulip bulbs were a store of value in Denmark back in the day. Until it was discovered that the beautiful lines and streaks weren’t from genetics, but from a virus. Then the value of tulip bulbs dropped wiping out the national economy. Bitcoin’s value is perceptional as well. In every case, value is a perception… and perceptions change. Most are too lazy to think for themselves so they let others do their thinking. Allowing someone else to determine what’s valuable. Then die unhappy and unfulfilled, after spending their lives chasing the things they’ve been told are valuable, and achieving them. Because they chased the value of others and not what they themselves valued. Perhaps we should use value as a measure of that which we should seek, instead of blindly grasping after that which we’re told to seek. Because value isn’t a universal nor is it reality. Don’t let others choose what you think is valuable. Choose for yourself. Assign value to what you want, not what your told by the experts you should want. Since value is only a perception, use value to get a good life, instead of letting value use you, striving after a bad one. Sincerely, John Pepin
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Attitude Leads Outcome
 April 21 2024 at 03:22 pm
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Attitude Leads Outcome Posted on April 21, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, attitude leads outcome, most think it’s the other way around, but they’re wrong. Good attitudes lead to success and poor attitudes lead to failure. Oh, there are examples of those who’ve got ahead with a poor attitude, but they’re also examples of corruption, graft and privilege. The heir to an estate needn’t have a winning attitude. Those with a poor one however will be wearing shirtsleeves in short order. The entrepreneur with a poor attitude is sure to go bankrupt, while the businessman with a winning one, could go far indeed. This is true for a multitude of reasons. Primarily, because business is the art of falling and getting back up again. A poor attitude will keep one on the ground at the first fall, a winning one will get them back up, no matter how many falls they’ve had. The art of falling down and getting back up is a hard one to master. No one likes to fail. We often go to great lengths to avoid it. Sometimes missing opportunities for fear of failing. The thing about anything is, the more you do it, the easier it gets. This goes for sin as well as virtue. The more we fall, and get back up, the easier it is to get back up. Your idea could be brilliant, but if it’s out of place or time, it will fail. Later someone else could make a fortune on the same idea. So success isn’t entirely based on intellect, wisdom and judgment… it has a bit of luck. As we all know, the more you roll the dice, the more likely it is to roll a hard seven. The more chances you take the more chances to succeed. If you only take one chance though… failure is assured. A winning attitude is magnetic, to customers, employees and investors. Go get ’em Liam’s positive attitude, draws people in, but is also contagious. Others become infected with Liam’s gusto. Making success ever more likely. Enthusiastic employees work harder and smarter because they’re motivated. Customers will buy from an enthusiastic person before a lackadaisical one all else being equal. Investors who catch the winning attitude are happy to invest. Because, where a business is motivated, enthusiastic, and has a winning attitude… the likelihood of profit is great. The opposite is also true if the entrepreneur has a bad attitude. They will have a hard time getting motivated employees, willing customers or investors… no matter how great their ideas, products and plans. Sad sacks seldom go far. Unless it’s on a vacation. Since someone with a defeatist attitude has already lost. This isn’t simply because their attitude is repulsive, but because one’s attitude and motivation, show up in their work. Two equally skilled craftsmen creating a piece of furniture, one is enthusiastic for the project the other unmotivated. Which one will build a better piece? We all know the answer. Another problem with a bad attitude is it’s also contagious. “A bad apple spoils the barrel…” as the saying goes. This is one way corporations are rotted from within. The executives get a bad attitude, That motivation or rather, anti motivation, oozes down the levels and once it’s corrupted the bottom, that corporation becomes a zombie company. All because of a bad attitude. If we want to get ahead, there’s no better way than to adjust our attitude. You are what you think. Control your thoughts to stay motivated. It takes will. If it was easy, everyone would be rich, motivated and have a winning attitude. That so many of us don’t… proves the difficulty in it. Few are happy when they get punched in the face. They’re called masochists. The rest of us resent it. But, we have to learn to take it, with a smile, maybe missing a tooth. Become inured to getting back up from a fall. No one likes it, but once your used to it, it becomes second nature. Like playing a guitar. It’s hard at first but as you practice you get better. A winning attitude is like playing a guitar. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Unlike a guitar though… the better you get at it, the further you go in life. Sincerely, John Pepin

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