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The Two Schools Of Thought Around Food
Healthy & Awake Podcast
 July 10 2024 at 02:44 am
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The way I see it, there are pretty much two schools of thought when it comes to food-like products such as margarine. The first group focuses primarily on calories. They've read articles and maybe some research that suggests these products are somewhat healthy or, at the very least, not harmful. They're comfortable with consuming processed foods as long as there's some scientific backing, though the reasoning can vary in its validity. The second group, on the other hand, believes that the natural body shouldn't consume unnatural products. For them, calories are less important than the quality of the food. They are skeptical of food companies and even scientists, who sometimes have a history of being influenced by these companies. This group prefers real food, whether they're vegans, carnivores, or followers of keto and paleo diets. They see the value in eating food in its natural state. However, just like food companies market processed foods, there are also questionable products marketed to people following specific diets. This is something I've observed across all the diets mentioned. While I think studies and science are important, I also believe that personal values and feeling good are crucial. I've seen people thrive on diets focused on real food, regardless of whether they're vegan or carnivore. There's hardly any strong argument against the idea of eating real food. What’s your approach to eating? Have you tried any new diets recently? Personally, I'm on the third week of a carnivore diet and feeling great. We'll see how it goes as I continue. 🍽️ No matter what you eat, I am not here to judge your choices. As someone who values personal health and nutrition, I'm here to support you in making the best dietary choices for your lifestyle. If you want to work with a Board Certified Health Coach who can help you implement new eating habits without judgment, click the link in my profile to start your $1 first session today. Check out the testimonials on our website to see how we've already helped others. Full website - πŸ”— Healthy & Awake Podcast: πŸ”— Apple: πŸ”— Spotify: πŸ”— Rumble: πŸ”— YouTube: πŸ”— Substack: πŸ”— X: Mike Vera isn't your average Board Certified Health Coach (NBC-HWC). Armed with an MS in Exercise and Health Promotion and extensive experience as a seasoned personal trainer, he's the strategic mind behind Red Pill Health & Wellness and the engaging voice of the Healthy & Awake Podcast. With a strong foundation in cognitive psychology, Mike is adept at unveiling the hidden influences that impact our health.
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I'm A Right-Wing Jerk?
Healthy & Awake Podcast
 July 03 2024 at 11:53 pm
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Apparently, I am a right-wing jerk! I couldn't help but laugh at this latest headline opinion piece from The Guardian. This isn't the first time I've seen a headline equating fitness and a healthy lifestyle with being right-wing. It seems baseless, possibly because the author dislikes people on the right or those who are healthy. To be clear, I don't align myself with the right or the left. I have a variety of views, but one thing's for sure: I am a fit person. It's unfortunate to see headlines demonizing a healthy lifestyle by associating it with a political agenda. There's nothing wrong with being fit or healthy, and it certainly doesn't turn you into a right-wing jerk. As a personal trainer and health coach who has worked with hundreds of people, I can confidently say the biggest side effect of a healthy lifestyle is feeling good. It's important to laugh at this type of propaganda and dismiss it for what it is. It seems there's an attempt to demonize the healthy lifestyle because the term "right-wing" has become a boogeyman. Some commenters on my posts mention right-wing propaganda, and while that exists, so does left-wing propaganda, though it often goes unmentioned. So, what's the counter to this article? Maybe something as ridiculous as "being a lazy, unhealthy, junk-food-eating non-exerciser makes you a left-wing jerk." It's as nonsensical as the headline I'm addressing. There are plenty of people with different political views who live healthy lifestyles. Do you feel like this headline is true? Why do you think such silly headlines are being spread around in the first place? How do you view the connection between health and politics? πŸ‘‰ If you're looking for a health coach who can help you get fit and make healthy habit changes without turning you into a right-wing jerk, click the link in my profile to get started with your first session for just $1. You can also check our website for testimonials on how we've already helped many people. Full website - πŸ”— Healthy & Awake Podcast: πŸ”— Apple: πŸ”— Spotify: πŸ”— Rumble: πŸ”— YouTube: πŸ”— Substack: πŸ”— X: Mike Vera isn't your average Board Certified Health Coach (NBC-HWC). Armed with an MS in Exercise and Health Promotion and extensive experience as a seasoned personal trainer, he's the strategic mind behind Red Pill Health & Wellness and the engaging voice of the Healthy & Awake Podcast. With a strong foundation in cognitive psychology, Mike is adept at unveiling the hidden influences that impact our health.
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Dental Health care within the USA
 June 30 2024 at 07:36 pm
To understand how dental health care varies from state to state, Dentaly recently ranked all 50 states along with the District of Columbia. Their ranking system utilized these twelve different metrics in order to give a fair comparison in regards to overall dental health. - Dentists per 100,000 people (overall availability of dentists in each state) - Dental consultation frequency (average amount of times a person in each state visits the dentist) - Smoking prevalence - Sugar consumption - Alcohol consumption - Fluoride usage in water - Poor or fair oral condition (percentage of people in the state without optimal dental health) - Share of elderly people without their natural set of teeth - Pain due to oral condition - Reduced life satisfaction due to oral condition - Reduced social participation due to oral condition - Amount of work absences due to oral condition These metrics are so varied that it brings merit to the rankings by Dentaly. Let's look at the Top 5 states in dental health care. 1. Connecticut 2. District of Columbia 3. Massachusetts 4. Washington 5. Illinois The top five span from the east all the way to the west. There is no rhyme or reason as to why these five are so good at providing quality dental health care to their constituents. However, there is a similarity to the worst five states in dental health care. Break the banjos out. 51. Arkansas 50. Louisiana 49. West Virginia 48. Mississippi 47. Alabama Why do people in the South have such horrible teeth? If anyone that reads this lives in the South, then give me a response. For even more fun with these rankings, I did a separate post on Arkansas having the worst dental health care in the USA.
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The Media Protects Big Pharma
Healthy & Awake Podcast
 June 27 2024 at 03:42 pm
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One of the biggest failures of the mainstream media is manipulation by omissionβ€”not reporting on big stories. One recent example is the lawsuit against Pfizer by multiple states for fraud. This shouldn’t be surprising to anyone paying attention. Many, including myself, have been warning about this from day one. Let's not forget Pfizer has one of the largest criminal fines of any business. They're accused of misleading the public, among other things. I encourage people to check out the story for themselves, wherever they can find itβ€”certainly not from the mainstream media. It’s crucial to stay informed, but if you only trust the mainstream media, you're likely misinformed or uninformed. This omission shapes perceptions and conversations, drastically altering public discourse. You have to wonder why the media covers for these large companies. Just think logically: pharmaceutical companies spend millions on ads with these media organizations. A pharmaceutical insider recently claimed that the reason for these massive ad spends isn’t just to persuade the public to buy their products, but to ensure favorable media coverage. It's essentially buying them off. Enough time has passed for people to have made up their minds. Skeptics have been skeptical from day one and will likely remain so. Conversely, those who trust these companies and the mainstream media continue to do so, seemingly unchangeable. However, I hope this story will develop and gain enough attention to reveal that pharmaceutical companies and the media do not have your best interests in mind. Think for yourself, explore stories beyond what large organizations present to you. If you want the truth, you have to dig deeper. How do you find information? Do you trust the media despite these failures, or are you skeptical? If you want to work with a health coach who believes skepticism is one of the healthiest qualities, especially towards these media organizations, click the link in my profile to learn more about Avantia Health Optimization. Your first session is only $1. Check out testimonials from people we've already helped. Click now to get started today. Full website - πŸ”— Healthy & Awake Podcast: πŸ”— Apple: πŸ”— Spotify: πŸ”— Rumble: πŸ”— YouTube: πŸ”— Substack: πŸ”— X: Mike Vera isn't your average Board Certified Health Coach (NBC-HWC). Armed with an MS in Exercise and Health Promotion and extensive experience as a seasoned personal trainer, he's the strategic mind behind Red Pill Health & Wellness and the engaging voice of the Healthy & Awake Podcast. With a strong foundation in cognitive psychology, Mike is adept at unveiling the hidden influences that impact our health.
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Psychological Operations & Your Health w/...
Healthy & Awake Podcast
 July 23 2024 at 04:23 pm
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7/21/24 Healthy & Awake Newsletter Hey Critical Thinkers! I hope you're all doing well. Lately, I’ve been on a new health journey that I wanted to share with you. For about three years, I struggled with persistent gut issues. Despite numerous doctor visits and tests, I couldn't find a clear solution. So, four weeks ago, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started a strict carnivore diet. My meals now consist solely of bacon, eggs, steak, butter, tallow, and raw milkβ€”no carbs except for a little from the milk. Remarkably, within just two weeks, I started feeling significantly better. One of the surprising benefits of this diet is that re-quitting coffee has been much easier this time around. I've tried quitting coffee before and always struggled, but it seems like the carnivore diet might have made a difference. Not sure why. However, the challenge is that writing has become almost impossible without my daily coffee fix, which has halted my daily posts. I'm considering having coffee once a week just for a dedicated writing day, but I'm cautious about potential headaches. At least I still feel sharp when recording the podcast. Speaking of which, let’s dive into our latest episodes!πŸŽ™οΈ Current Episode: Sergeant Boone Cutler Today on Healthy & Awake Podcast, I'm excited to bring you an interview with Sergeant Boone Cutler. Sergeant Cutler is a decorated warfighter, author, and a recognized leader in the field of 5th generation warfare, which includes the influence of media and information on public perception and health decisions. We delve into how this modern form of warfare impacts your health choices and discuss practical steps you can take to protect yourself and better understand the complex world we live in. This episode is packed with insights that can help you navigate the complexities of modern information warfare and make informed health decisions. Don't miss this enlightening conversation! Click here to tune in: Rumble, Apple, SpotifyπŸ—“οΈ Next Episode: Shocking Videos w/ Dr. Stephen Luk In our next episode, I speak with Dr. Stephen Luk, a podiatric surgeon and one of my best friends for over 10 years. Dr. Luk specializes in foot and ankle surgery, and in this episode, we explore his professional insights through a series of video clips. You'll see his reactions as a medical professional to some fascinating surgical technologies and a few surprising injuries. While it's not too graphic, if you're squeamish at all, there will be an audio version available as well. This episode is both educational and fun, especially with Dr. Luk's expert take on these topics. Don't miss it!πŸ”₯ Post of the Week: Provoking Thought and Sparking Dialogue It seems that with some issues, there is an effort to prevent us from critically thinking. Pejorative terms like "conspiracy theorist" are used for those who challenge the status quo. You're told that you have to sacrifice certain liberties for the greater good and that you're a bad person if you question that. You're told to trust the science. And if you start asking too many questions or the wrong questions, people get upset. For me, those are red flags that warrant further scrutiny. Maybe I have contrarian tendencies, so when someone tells me not to do something, I want to do it. But it's also more than that; it's a healthy suspicion and skepticism. It's unusual that asking questions is discouraged, especially in matters involving my own health or certain freedoms I've always had. In today's day and age, it takes strength to continue to ask questions and challenge the status quo, and I celebrate those who do. Strength and a healthy sense of skepticism are crucial for protecting your health. Have you noticed this sort of effort, or do you think I'm engaging in the types of conspiracy theories I'm referring to? What do you have a healthy sense of skepticism towards, and where do you feel more questions should be asked? πŸ” If you want to work with a Board Certified Health Coach who isn't afraid to ask questions and challenge the status quo, click here to start your first session for just $1 today. While you're there, check out our testimonials to see how we've already helped people improve their health. Stay healthy & awake, Mike Vera Board Certified Health Coach (NBC-HWC)

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