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Our Punch and Judy World
 September 23 2024 at 04:22 pm
Five hundred years ago in Italy, a famous puppet show came into existence. It was known by the name of its two protagonists, a “husband”—Punch—and his “wife,” Judy. Other characters would appear from time to time, but Punch and Judy were the stock in trade and so the show carried their names. Punch was derived from a Neopolitan stock character Pulcinella, a manifestation of the medieval “Lord of Misrule,” a “trickster” figure found even among the Vikings, a culture not known for its humor, but whose demi-god Loki was one such mischief-maker. In Britain, under Cromwell’s puritan rule, the show was rather low key but with the death of Cromwell and the ascension of Charles II to the throne, the Punch and Judy we know today began to emerge as the Restoration ushered in a far more morally tolerant period. The show originally used marionettes but these were later replaced by glove puppets to accommodate the characters' almost continuous violent gesticulations. Punch was also extremely popular in Britain's American colonies, where it is known that George Washington once bought tickets for a show! The characters were continually at war with each other and Punch would say and do outrageous, often maniacal things to Judy, only to suffer violence in return. It was this brutishness, unfettered by civility and the rules of social discourse that made the show so popular and not only among children but adults as well. It was—and remains—a form of “safe violence” as in some of the current video games where even young children are permitted to perform acts that would be considered improper under other circumstances. But the most important point is this: in a Punch and Judy show, there is only one puppet-master! Unlike other marionette theaters, only one puppeteer is behind the scenes and that is why when a new character appears on stage, one of the other puppets — usually “Judy” — is not present. But whether the protagonists are Punch and his long-suffering Judy or Punch and some other character, the general theme is episodic violence. But only very young children see two combatants, for the child in his innocence, could make no sense of one individual waging war against himself even through the means of puppets! The adult, on the other hand, cares nothing for the lack of meaning or reality as long as he can enjoy the mayhem. Yet, suppose the adult were to see actual conflict animated by a single agent? What then? To a certain degree, that is the underlying principle of sports—whether of the individual or team variety. Yes, two forces are involved “on stage,” but they are provided with rules and regulations that determine not only the winner, but the ways in which they may conduct themselves during the contest. Yes, there are two “combatants,” but above them, there is a single “puppet-master” who makes the rules that all must obey and that eventually determine the winner. In Punch and Judy, the observer understands that neither Punch nor Judy is aware of their situation. To begin with, of course, they are puppets and, as such, have no cognitive ability while the athlete is aware of his position in the game as well who is “in charge” — and knows it is not him! If he doesn’t like the rules of the game or the consequences of winning—or losing—he is (usually) free to remove himself. Punch and Judy, have no such option! Ergo, if people find themselves in a situation that is more akin to Punch and Judy than the Olympics, we have a very grave problem. Unfortunately, that is exactly what we do have in today’s world and have had for probably several centuries prior to the new Millennia. Conservative “wag,” Pat Buchanan once opined that Republicans and Democrats were two wings on the same political bird of prey. He was quite correct as we have often seen especially in the United States Congress though it does resonate throughout all levels of government. This is the reason why, though both parties promise “change” if they are put into office at the next election, seldom does anything change at least more than superficially. On the other hand, the election of 2016 gave Americans the first glimpse of what would happen if a new character came into the established show—a character with no puppet-master at least as far as is known to date. The hysteria of the traditional politicians and bureaucrats across party lines can be understood in the context of the real puppet-master finding himself no longer in complete control of the show. But even the Trump case is insignificant with regards to the “whole show.” To understand just how immense and long-running that “show” is, we have to go back to Medieval Europe. Though it began at that time, the “show” did not become what it is today for a considerable period during which various groups arose and contended for “puppet-master” status usually well behind the scenes. So while accepted “history” covers the politics of Europe and eventually the New World with such famous figures as Napoleon, Nelson and Washington, the real puppet masters were working behind the “curtain” of anonymity or, when personally well known, their involvement as a puppet-master was usually well hidden. But the final phase of the great Punch & Judy scenario commenced when the West began to move from its former smaller political entities and waged war to create “great States” of those smaller provinces. It was in one such war that King Louis of France encountered John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough, leading the armies of England, the Netherlands and some small German dutchies in order to prevent Louis from assimilating Spain or, as he said at the time, making the Pyrenees “disappear.” Eventually, though Louie lost, so did everyone else and the German dutchies eventually became Germany or, more precisely Prussia, the most powerful of those dutchies while the Italian peninsular lost its glorious city-states of Venice, Florence, Rome and etc. to produce what we now know as Italy. Parenthetically, it’s interesting to note that Abraham Lincoln as he made bloody war to prevent the States of the South from constitutionally leaving the rest of the “federal union,” desired to employ Garibaldi to lead his armies because that Italian general had successfully “united” Italy. And so, with few exceptions in the West, by the beginning of the 20th century, most “nations” had reached what is recognized today as their “enlarged” geographical and governmental conditions. England had absorbed Scotland and Wales and in 1921 added Ulster – Northern Ireland – to what had become Great Britain. On the continent, France was no longer “divided” into Normandy and the various other provinces while Germany had become, for all intents and purposes, Prussia—or vice versa. The Balkans were still a multi-cultural anarchy but allowed to remain so because it was useful to the puppet-masters. And yes, there were also smaller nations in Europe, but these were never a threat to the Master Plan underway. Scandinavia was no longer inspired by its warrior Viking past and such nations as Denmark and Switzerland were not seen as a threat to any of the larger more aggressive European powers. Meanwhile, the triumph of the North in the American Civil War finally prepared that former Republic to embark upon its own empire building in the era of “imperialism.” And so, the scene for the great global Punch and Judy Show was set. There is no need to identify the puppet masters of that show; indeed, they have and have had many names but they mean the same thing in the end. Nor is there any need to recite the disaster for Western civilization that was the 20th century. A manufactured world-wide depression framed within two equally manufactured “world wars” together with many smaller “brush wars” and a long and deadly “cold war” deeply damaged the white nations of the West. And what war hadn’t destroyed, the agents of “information and entertainment” were busy undermining as they attacked the West’s Christian moral foundation. Even that Church’s denominations fell prey to hedonism, socialism and humanism. Hindsight clearly demonstrates that all the forces of a hidden agenda were at work to produce these results so as to bring forth what had been known, understood and desired by the puppet-masters for so long—the “New World Order.” Even American President George Bush used this term with the fall of the USSR in the late 1980s, an event that did not indicate the fall of communism as many believed at the time! Indeed, that system of government and economics was and remains the foundation and fountainhead of that same New World Order! Meanwhile, the alignment of the white West has remained much as it was at the beginning of the last century, with White nations arrayed against each other while the puppet-masters flood white countries with Third World parasites who sap the strength and the cultural identity of what remains of Western Civilization. Germany has suffered the most having been chosen by the puppet-masters to be the great villain. Indeed, most people today have no idea that Germany simply supported Austria after the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by a Bosnian Serb during the power struggles in the Balkans. As the puppet-masters had been aligning and re-aligning the various nations of Europe while stirring up each and every possible perceived insult and attack, the assassination of the Archduke and his wife soon plunged Europe into war— as was intended! This war solidified the two White camps: Britain, France, Italy, the Low Countries, Russia and Eastern Europe on one side and Germany, Austria and—oddly enough, the Ottoman Empire on the other. It also led directly to the so-called “Russian Revolution” led by non-Russian Marxists, the majority of whom were Jewish. Actually, few know that when after much bloodshed and little gain the combatants were going to claim victory and go home — against the will of the puppet-masters!—Great Britain managed to drag the United States into the war, forcing the contest to continue until finally, Germany and her ally Austria were defeated. But this was only the beginning. The rest of the century saw the puppet-masters at their best bringing on a worldwide depression, another horrific war, the rise of communism in China and elsewhere in the world along with a series of smaller, but bloody “brush wars” in a world constantly concerned with the possibility of nuclear annihilation. Now, most people reading history would see the various national Punches and Judys duking it out, destroying themselves and the world around them. Few if any see the puppet-master! To this day, Germany is the great bogyman though Stalin and his Mongol horde killed far more than did the Nazis, while the German people, browbeaten into undeserved shame embrace the black horde sent by the puppet-masters to breed them —and all other Whites—out of existence. This intention was openly promoted on a fictional cover purported to be from the well-known publication National Geographic and shows a naked black man holding a naked white woman, her legs wrapped around his torso and looking at the camera with an empty expression. The caption identifies the couple as representing the “new Europe” in which the first three letters—Eur—are white and the last three—ope—are black. And though it never appeared on the magazine, there is no question that it represents the desire of our present puppet-masters! This, of course, is the ultimate aim of the puppet-masters but as the rest of humanity is only able to see the conflict “on the stage;” that is, the puppet dupes waging war but never the puppet-master operating all of them, they have no idea that all the bloodshed and the war and the destruction from the Age of Enlightenment down through the beginning of the 21st century has been waged—as the violence between Punch and Judy—by A SINGLE AGENT! Isn’t it time that we puppets throw off our “masters” and run our own lives before we no longer have that option?

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