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On the Manufacture of Fake Consensus | OnlySubs with James Lindsay, Ep. 74

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New Discourses   Dec 22nd, 2021


The Woke do not have a popular ideology, but they're very good at creating the illusion that they have massive support. In fact, they're experts at generating the appearance of consensus among all good, reasonable, smart, and sane people even when only a tiny fraction of people support their agenda. This manufactured illusion of support is crucial to the Woke strategy, and it is effected by swarming on social media, astroturfed support campaigns, flashmobs, bullying, and silencing opposition. The most important things to know about it are that it's fake and that, even if it wasn't fake, it's irrelevant. Consensus doesn't imply truth, and small numbers of people who are very vocal and active do not imply widespread support, especially when dissent is vigorously silenced. In this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my contributors-only podcast, I go briefly into the topic of manufactured fake consensus and Woke activism. Join me and check it out.