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Marxists Are Not Hypocrites | OnlySubs with James Lindsay, Ep. 76

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New Discourses   Jan 4th, 2022


People are highly attuned to pointing out hypocrisy, and so the blatant double standards the Woke and other Marxists set up for themselves is a tantalizing bait. The thing is, the Woke (and other Marxists) aren't hypocrites at all. They believe themselves superior. For them, "do as I say, not as I do" isn't a shortcoming of character but something they believe they have the hard-earned right to demand of others, whom they see as intrinsically lesser. This is an important fact to understand about their mentality. Join me on this episode of James Lindsay OnlySubs, my subscribers-only podcast, to hear me riff on this idea a little.

-James Lindsay