In Defense of Huberman
You'll notice speaking at length with very-successful Hollywood people, often white male writers, that they’ll find a way to cry during your conversation. They've been trained to do this, like monkeys, as it will help them close whatever deal or project they have on the table. The empathy game. I don’t like Andrew Huberman. He’s a rise-and-grind health grifter who lives and breathes therapy-speak. Many such cases, but he plays the game to win, and he has won. He is complicit in his own...
Narada: The Shakespearean Fool of Hindu Mythology
In Hindu mythology, Narada serves as a messenger and advisor to the gods, often conveying important messages between deities and intervening in various divine affairs. He is believed to be one of the mind-born sons of Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. Narada is often depicted as wandering the universe, spreading knowledge, and playing his veena (musical instrument) while chanting the name of Lord Vishnu. He is known for his ability to travel freely between different realms, including...
Thoughts for the end of the century - the path...
Once upon a time, is how great stories begin. You heard this one, many years ago. Rest awhile and I will remind you of the path of the hearth fire. The hearth fire is the place where great stories are told and heard. Grandparents and the very young ones get to sit closest to the fire because that is fair and proper and that is where they were when the first heard about the path of the hearth fire. You remember Pythagoras. He was a school teacher. He learned at the hearth fire, back in the...
Compromised Politicians
Compromised Politicians Posted on April 13, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, we’re way too hard on our friendly, thoughtful, and compromised politicians. While yes, many if not most are corrupt as vulture vomit, it’s not their fault. Some are literal psychopaths. Which is a birth defect. The rest are controlled by the deep state. Because, while a politician must face an election every few years, the deep state is above the law, our constitution and consequences. If a politician...
The Value of Experience
I once knew a girl in high school who I admired very much. Her grades were consistently at the top of the class. She had a style all her own. Her bedroom walls were covered in magazine clippings and collages she'd spent long hours on. She didn't mind falling off a skateboard and scraping her elbow. Her creativity just shimmered through everything she did, no matter how small. She seemed like the model student. More so, the model friend. Then she started trying different things. Introducing...
Thoughts for the End of the Century, Own Your...
Would human rights matter when human beings cease to right themselves? Will there be any humanity left when humans are coerced further to the left than ever before? It’s 2024, but 1984 is still on its way. Industry 4.0 is here to stay, and billions will be held under its sway. Our world sunders under the assault of oppressive black rocks hurled at us by the infernal juggernaut of a trebuchet that is Wide State Socialism, and our apathy will cause us to pay. It’s said that “the only thing...
Moody Cinema Nostalgia Emerges in the Comic...
The older I get, the more I want a moody atmosphere when I sit down and watch a movie after work at night. That often leads me to mysteries, thrillers, and the types of horror movies where the protagonist goes off into unfamiliar territory, isolated from civilization. One particular cinematic mood that was captured most prominently in the early 1990s was the steamy thriller. Some might call them “erotic thrillers” but I don’t want to mix Skinemax with the likes of Basic Instinct and Single...
The Fundamental Attribution Error
We were in the family locker room this morning at our gym, and my daughter suddenly noticed that her own pants matched a cheetah pattern on the pants of an attractive and fit older woman. The woman was pleased and she began talking to my almost-three-year-old. “Do you have a little baby in your tummy?” My daughter so innocently asked the dreaded question. Although she initially looked a bit horrified, the lady took it very well. She chuckled and stated, “I’m actually a grandma of three.” ...
Your Unique Ability
Your Unique Ability Posted on March 25, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, we have a unique ability to effect the future of mankind, because of the times we live. More than most people in most other times and places. It’s only at focal points in history that folks have the leverage we do now. Our decisions have moment beyond our mental grasp. Usually, its only in the after thought, that people realize the magnitude of the times they lived through. This is another thing that...
The Narcissism of Contemporary Autofiction
The Narcissism of Contemporary Autofiction The Anti-Art of Confabulation You wake up to it. Thirty unread messages from last night’s date, each more mundane and self-involved than the last. You scroll and scroll, the onslaught of nonmeaning condensing into a Talmud of intellectual antimatter. Something about the dog. The ex. The rich aunt in Tallahassee. The color of last week’s socks. You read the thirtieth message and gasp. The text thread has found a publisher, and will be available at...
Leaders of Liberty are laying the groundwork...
Until all the collectivist types come around to understanding that it is the Libertarians, Anarchists, and Voluntarists who are the true leaders in the Liberty movement, there will not be any solidarity. Sorry, but you don't get to co-opt, insult or deride the very people who have always railed against government corruption, and then in turn expect them to jump on board your little bandwagon just because you finally realize you were wrong or that your efforts were in vein. Without a full...
The Power Of The Purse
Power Of The Purse Posted on April 16, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, we see the astonishing power of the purse in the medical system. Any debate that goes against the narrative is stifled by the threat of liquidation. Punishment is rapid and severe should anyone have too much to think. That’s one reason why the vaccine that isn’t… is still available, pushed on toddlers, and no one has gone to prison for the deaths it’s caused. How many medical advancements have been...
Unjust Courts
Unjust Courts Posted on April 14, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, as long as people are treated unjustly, and unfairly by the courts, how can any of us expect fair and just treatment? We can’t. A dog understands justice. Unfairly give two dogs out of three a treat, ignore the other, and there will be a reaction. Because justice is so hard wired into our psyche that even pets understand it. That’s why we have the cannon of law. To call the unjust just. It may take a lot of...
Modern Courts
Modern Courts Posted on March 29, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, what most modern courts and judges are too stupid to realize, is the court itself is on trial every bit as much as the defendant, especially when a defendant has negative political favor. Not only is the justice system’s honor on public display, before the public and world today… but they themselves will be judged as long as records are kept. In their hubris today’s judges think their illegal rulings are...
The CEO Of Boeing Exits - The Rest Of The Story
Dave Calhoun, CEO of the Boeing Company ** Earlier today, Dave Calhoun, the CEO of Boeing, announced his resignation. The Financial Press is full of headlines today: the Boeing CEO is stepping down in light of the ongoing “safety crisis” at Boeing. Indeed, the adverse press surrounding Boeing Commercial Airlines might have been the final straw that forced Calhoun to leave. But there is much, much more to the Boeing story. Calhoun is the type of manager we often see from our perch on Wall...
Retrograde spins forward - tomorrow, tonight -...
So here we are - a new platform as tomorrow the sky spins "backwards" for the relative motion of Mercury as seen on Earth. It may be trite - but I love the story - when the (probably Logical Positivist midwits) were spouting off to Wittgenstein abut how the present was so much more clever than the past, saying "after all, they believed the sun moved 'round the EARTH!" Ludwig smiled and was said to reply, "yes, but I wonder what it would have looked like if the OPPOSITE were true?" It is not...
Offending Christians
Offending Christians Posted on March 31, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the same people who want to make it illegal to offend anyone, go out of their way to offend Christians. The hypocrisy is astonishing. On the most holy day to Christians, the Biden administration went all in, offending Christians. By making the day about perverts. Elevating lust, pride and gluttony, above the Risen Lord. No way that could go wrong. Even as the FBI hunts down people for posting wrongthink...
'Not tonight, i've got a headache'?
When a woman tells her husband, 'I'm not in the mood', she is implying that her husband is a sex object whose sexuality is only relevant when she is 'in the mood' and wants to use it, and vice versa. Husbands and wives in love and marriage will never speak about 'mood' and will naturally want to please each other and are pleased to do so because they are together.All this talk about the 'woman's right to say no' detracts one from the spirit of a marriage where both the man and woman give...
Manu: The First Man and Keeper of the Law
The Figure: Manu is referred to as the archetypal man or the first man in early Hindu texts, and is revered as both a lawmaker and a saint. He is considered the mind born son of Brahma (the Creator), symbolising the union of divine wisdom and human consciousness. In Sanskrit, the term for 'human', मनुष्य (manuṣya) or मानव (mānava), means 'of Manu' or 'children of Manu'. The name "Manu" finds its roots in the Sanskrit word "man," which means to think or to reflect. As such, Manu is often...
Academia Isn’t a Pit, It’s a Ladder
Higher Ed is Eating Everyone’s Lunch Think of an image of a college professor. Middle-aged, perhaps even older. Well-dressed. Dignified. A man or a woman, but still, you probably imagined a man. Bespectacled, of course. Tweed, leather elbow pads, mahogany bookshelves, maybe even a tobacco pipe puffing away. Strolling the campus, having deep conversations, researching, never getting rich, but living a life of quiet dignity and the pursuit of knowledge. What they don’t imagine are poorly...
The Stubborn Opposite of Sociopathy
This topic is a nerve I have an impulse to press lately. Our culture has been working though a social cycle of high-trust peaking, and then this trust being preyed upon and monetized by a kind of rent-seeking behavior, obsession with zero-sum game, and it may well have to do with dynamics of shrinking demographics. As a cohort (not always a population - it could be a race or subculture) declines in numbers - the rates of predatory sociopathy might increase. There has been a lot of talk...
Don't Bring Your Politics on a Date
A few weeks back, I made the mistake of joining my boyfriend on a double date with another couple, a friend and her partner. As the evening unfolded, it became clear why this arrangement was ill-advised – modern times seem to have little tolerance for traditional acts of chivalry. My boyfriend takes it upon himself to open car doors for me. He bears the weight of heavy shopping bags, and ensures my comfort by pulling out my chair whenever we dine out, a habit he maintains almost without...
Ethical Elites
Ethical Elites Posted on April 3, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, our elites have an ethics issue, they don’t have any. Our elites are people utterly lacking morals. They’re not so much amoral as immoral. Why do I say this? Because it’s obvious and no one else seems to be saying it. We have people without a conscience running the world today. Any glance at the actions of the elite over the last few decades shows unequivocally they’re demons. Who zealously attacks efforts at...
An End to Chamber Pots Presented as Urns: 20th...
I'm doing Honor to the astringent legacy of Karl Kraus (and architect Adolf Loos) with this one. We are familiar with financial or technological booms and busts, but there are also social booms and busts, a big high and then crash, then desperate for a next wave. You can call them fashion, fads, disco, you know. With the internet having brought social media monetization and the selling of demographic marketing info - these trends, fads and disco have been ever more tightly-stapled to...
The Elite Are Captured
The Elite Are Captured Posted on April 9, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the government can violate our Constitution at will, because the whole government, constitutional and administrative state, has been captured by an ideology. In Federalist papers #10, Madison warned, tyranny would result if two branches were ever controlled by a single faction. If you think about it, it makes sense. The only limit in our “limited” form of government is the infighting between factions....
Thoughts For the End Of the Century: Progress...
"The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth His handiwork." Psalm 19:1 There are two ways of viewing the cosmos. Some view it as the splendid work of a benevolent Being, abundant with resources that are to be carefully cultivated for mankind's benefit and blessing. Some view it as a fragile accident of time and chance, with limited resources that must be rationed by those who deem themselves superior to the masses (and obtain for themselves the means & power to enforce...
Thoughts for the End of the Century
The true purpose of Public SchoolsTo truly awaken the masses, in particular our youth, they must first be made aware that our public education system is based on a model of obedience and conformity. The Prussian model (modern day Germany) on which it is based is designed to teach them what to think, not how to think. It was first introduced in Ontario (Upper Canada back then) in the 1840's by Egerton Ryerson, son of Colonel Joseph Ryerson, who was not only an authoritarian type military man,...
Utah's Step-by-Step Strategy in support of...
From the Original article by Mike Maharrey. Jumping into this topic in the middle of the article... "The problem is it’s almost impossible to pass sweeping legislation that addresses every aspect of anything, much less something as far-reaching and complex as sound money and monetary policy. Success against the largest government in history requires more than tough rhetoric or big talking in social media posts. It requires a sound strategy – as the founders...
A future without the State
Libertarians fully accept and embrace hierarchical social or economic contracts that are entered into voluntarily. As long as all participants are doing so voluntarily, and have the option to opt out if the other party fails to uphold their end of the contract, libertarians have no problem with anyone choosing to set up their own commune, socialist endeavors, or any other collective arrangement. What people like myself wish to make widely known by all people is the very real fact that there...
Thought For The Day: What's the righteous answer?
As a teacher and proponent of the Socratic method, I often use thought exercises with my students, prodding them toward the truth instead of spoon-feeding them as their indoctrination camps (schools) do. I am new to posting here, so I decided to post a thought exercise here to spark conversation. Please consider the following hypothetical scenario, and give your opinions in the comments. Several years ago, a veteran of many wars returned to his family home, having finally quit the military...
Thoughts for the End of the Century, or: you...
The world is changing too quickly to keep up with. In the past it was possible to feel that you had a general understanding of what's happening in the world (and be wrong, but at least you could pretend from the comfort of your own home). Now, anyone can broadcast their wrongness, live. Is it any wonder? If you wanted, you could pull up a new random fact every fraction of a second to learn (and then immediately forget). It's an unwinnable game. If a fact can be replaced or forgotten without...
Thoughts for the End of the Century: The End...
image source: shutterstock In the 5th century BC, the Greek philosopher Democritus, an early contemporary of Socrates known for his cheerfulness, wrote “Sweet exists by convention, bitter by convention, color by convention; atoms and void alone exist in reality.” In its context, the Greek word used here was átomos (ἄτομος), which derived its root from témnō (τέμνω), meaning “to cut.” Átomos, with the prefixed “á” thus meant “not cut,” “uncut,” “indivisible,” or “undivided.” In that moment in...
Thoughts For the End of the Century: Will We...
I was born in the middle of the last century so will not be around for the end of the current one. But my grandchildren will be and, like most people with grandchildren, I hope their world will be one in which they flourish. In the middle of the last century, economist Friedrich Hayak published The Road to Serfdom, which was met with scorn by some, but perceived as a wake-up call by others. My grandchildren's lives will depend on where we are along that road at the end of this century. Will...
On STEM, Meritocracy and Youth in India
Note: This article was authored by a close friend and colleague, Ankit, for publication on my blog Dregs of Yore, and edited by me. Introduction Using a phrase like "When I reflect on my life..." might seem odd for someone who is just 30 years old. One imagines this expression to be used by grandparents fondly reminiscing the days of their youth to their grandchildren. However, if you find yourself using it when the past isn't that far removed, it might indicate one of two things: (a)...
Attitude Leads Outcome
Attitude Leads Outcome Posted on April 21, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, attitude leads outcome, most think it’s the other way around, but they’re wrong. Good attitudes lead to success and poor attitudes lead to failure. Oh, there are examples of those who’ve got ahead with a poor attitude, but they’re also examples of corruption, graft and privilege. The heir to an estate needn’t have a winning attitude. Those with a poor one however will be wearing shirtsleeves in short...
The Balance Sheet Of War
President John F. Kennedy America no longer declares war; instead, we “budget.” The last war that America declared was World War II. And yet, today, we are bogged down in endless conflict. The United States has been involved in no fewer than 13 conflicts in the 24 years of the 21st century. That’s a new war every two years. This week, the US Congress reduced the pursuit of war to a mere budget. Under the yet-to-be-designated bill, titled: Making emergency supplemental appropriations to...
Thoughts for the End of the Century
Are the machines running us? The future might elicit thoughts of fear and dread or bring about excitement and the very best from our imaginations and creativity. Questioning where we are going is a touchstone. Where are we now? How did we arrive here and how do we get where we want to go? My mind rushes to technology and social media. We take a lot of technology for granted. Our knowledge of the machines we use hasn’t, on average evolved in tandem with their complexity. It seems we are...
Thoughts for the End of the Century: ...
The transforming accomplishment of the end of the 21st Century will be the global adoption of truly democratic government: that is, a purely democratic political structure that ensures equal participation in government by people with very little money. The mechanism that will be discovered for this radically new kind of democratic governance will actually prove to be rather simple. The government will be based on a bicameral (two house) legislature. The so-called “lower” house will be...
Identifying the Players: Technocrats (Part Two)
Phase Two. Document Six. March, 2024 Identifying the Players: Technocrats (Part Two) Covid responses, the trans agenda, and now the technocratic dynamic, exhibit a pattern. One: someone – not an elected official or you – really really cares about something or someone. Two: because they really care, and because you are ignorant (or maybe a fascist), there must be no distracting discussion of the fine print. Three: the implementation of the solution ‘bypasses’ civil society – the tax-paying...
thinkspot Newsletter 4/3
A Guide to Social Justice Paradox - Part 3 By RSnakeWhen Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives By Heather Mac DonaldClick here to join us for a discussion on Race and Merit with Heather Macdonald and Phil Magness this Thursday, April 4th at 6pm EST. Manu: The First Man and Keeper of the Law By Sadhika PantRetrograde spins forward - tomorrow, tonight - I post. By DavidGetzinAcademia Isn’t a Pit, It’s a Ladder By...
Disparate Impact Thinking Is Destroying Our...
The most consequential falsehood in American public policy today is the idea that any racial disparity in any institution is by definition the result of racial discrimination. If a cancer research lab, for example, does not have 13 percent black oncologists—the black share of the national population—it is by definition a racist lab that discriminates against competitively qualified black oncologists; if an airline company doesn’t have 13 percent black pilots, it is by definition a racist...
Pop-Punk: The Aesthetics
The staples of an average millennial high-schooler’s bedroom: a skateboard propped up against the wall, a closet full of Hurley, and a Tom DeLonge Signature Strat in the corner. The fact that most of us can relate isn’t an accidental coincidence. Pop-punk reigned king of the airwaves during the late-90s/early-2000s. While various sub-genres such as midwest emo and shoe gaze had already been around for a while, nobody could’ve really predicted the rise of simple four-powerchord choruses with...
All That Blurs By
Time is running out. I need to be at O’Hare International Airport in under ninety minutes. To go that far west, I should first head south toward the Loop and then take the Blue Line. Everything is a blur—, the studio walls, the commotion outside, the last twenty-some years. Everything blurs by. Michigan Avenue is one long, concrete-runway. It reaches the sunset and then some. Police are posted at most corners, beggars escape the wind within random alcoves, and tourists slow down foot-traffic...
For Three Days
Not long after my ninth birthday is when I first began hearing my father violently coughing up blood on a regular basis. Rarely did I hear anymore quiet that lasted longer than a few sparse minutes from the living room where he'd sleep alone in the fold-out bed. It'd been months since I last saw him in actual clothes as he now only wore different sets of the same bland pajamas my mom probably picked out for him in a few different colors. He'd probably never again wear a nice button-up shirt....
To Devour
To devour—, and willingly allow yourself to become devoured—, completely, is truly a unique experience for us humans indeed. Unique in how the human spirit is unable to bear the weight of such trauma but only once. No matter the degree of self-hatred any mind may potentially reach, none is equipped with the possibility of repeatedly placing itself on a platter for another’s digestion. Like death; it is irreversible. The blessed are spared from ever feeling it at all. We—, who know its face,...
Carbon Credits Are A Con
Carbon Credits Are A Con Posted on April 22, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, carbon credits are simply another way for the rich to steal from the poor. By creating an entirely arbitrary market, they can “create wealth” in the form of script, and sell it to dupes. Making real money. Then that swindle increases the cost to everyone for everything. Which, obviously, effects poor people far more than the rich, who are getting richer, selling carbon credits. What makes this scam so...
Anonymous Jesus: John 5:1-15
Aside from the disciples, of all the people in the gospels to be focused on Jesus, there was one group who seemed to be almost everywhere Jesus went. This group, known as the Pharisees, didn’t watch Jesus because they wanted to believe in Him. Instead, they watched Him because they wanted to catch Him breaking a law or saying something wrong. However, during one of Jesus’ miracles, the Pharisees missed being present, even if they were present in the area where this healing took place....
The Lure of City Life
I’ve always been pulled by the energy and lifestyle of a big city. Nothing really strikes me the same way as walking alongside a nonstop stream of people. May it be the crowds or even the beautiful pandemonium, but there is a lure to it that I can’t exactly pin down. The best way I can describe this are through a couple of excerpts of my time in Queens (aged nine), and Chicago (aged twenty-seven), from a memoir I wrote called A Mother’s Tears, for free here. From Chapter 6 My cousin and her...
Celebrating Discrimination
My oldest son was a good student in terms of grades and behavior in the classroom, but he was mediocre on standardized tests. He wasn’t bad at testing, and I am not belittling him. However, he was average. He went on to play collegiate football, get married, and have kids, all of which are considered good outcomes. But he didn't get the same consideration as my youngest son, who was a good test taker. My youngest son is a rockstar when it comes to test-taking. He has exceptional insight...
“But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. ‘Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.’ But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” (1 Peter 3:14‑16 NIV) “Be wise in the way you act...
Science Is Dead
Science Is Dead Posted on April 6, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, science is dead, murdered by scientists. The global warming swindle put a knife deep in its chest, the trans movement pushed it to the hilt, and DEI is twisting it. Scientists and indeed the entire new class, as Gouldner called them, are captured by an idea that’s antithetical to their core belief. The vision is so captivating though, they just can’t help themselves. I’ve heard it said that people aren’t...
And Root Ate Nine! - Female Submission & Why...
So there was a pleasant and thoughtful comment a woman ( @liberty5300 ) posted to one of my pieces here - I glanced at several of her own think spot posts - and read one she wrote on Andrew Tate. It was almost entirely in positive regard of him and may have come out before the revelations of his abuse and pimping, I'm not sure. But all that aside, here I want to address why he was popular to begin with for saying what I would consider to be fairly obvious things, and really not going very...
Stupid Scientists
Stupid Scientists Posted on April 7, 2024 by john Dear Friends, May God save us from stupid scientists, busily engaged in schemes to destroy the world, in an effort to save it from a phantasm. From cooling the planet by spreading chemicals in the atmosphere, to putting up bird choppers (windmills), they’re doing more harm than good. Some half wit directly injecting household garbage directly into the aquifer is doing less damage. The fundamental problem is, people with too much...
Go Woke, Go Broke
In today's culture, it often feels as though the collective sentiment and mainstream narratives outweigh the pursuit of truth. This pattern is visible in responses to COVID, political discourse, and even in discussions about gender and biology. It's as if our society is grappling with a malaise, having sidelined the value of truth, open debate, and diversity of thought. The consequence? Anyone stepping outside the mainstream narrative faces potential censorship, cancel culture, and targeted...
Taylor Swift's Catch-22 Through "Midnight Rain"
Oftentimes in life, there are moments which present us with two separate but equally difficult choices. And what could be more excruciatingly difficult than having to choose between love and success? Aside from the random single played through store speakers, or inside friends’ cars, I’ve never actively sought out or searched for a Taylor Swift song. I have almost zero knowledge of her career’s history or what came out when and who it was aimed at or why. But I recently stumbled upon a...
Vishwakarma: The Divine Craftsman
The Figure: Vishwakarma, in Hindu mythology, is revered as the divine architect and craftsman of the gods. In Hindu mythology, Vishwakarma is not typically depicted as the primary creator of the universe. That role is usually attributed to Lord Brahma. However, he is considered to be the divine architect who played a role in the design of the universe, including its various components. According to some interpretations, Vishwakarma assisted his father, Lord Brahma in the creation of the...
Thoughts for the End of the Century: The...
As we progress into the second quarter of the 21st century, two of the most powerful “buzzwords” that continue to make themselves heard are “liberty” and “equality.” It is hard to go a long time in the world of political discussion and commentary without encountering these loaded terms. The former may be utilised in situations such as the defence of gun rights, or the debate over freedom of speech, while the latter would perhaps be used to promote tax changes that will “benefit the...
How To Out-Smart Wall Street
Wall Street Trading Desk ** I’m writing this near the Market Close on Wednesday, April 10. Currently, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is down over 400 Points, all in reaction to the report this morning that the Consumer Price Index, our most widely watched measure of inflation, advanced by an annual rate of 3.5%, up from 3.2% the month earlier. Wall Street is shocked. Stocks and bonds were hit heavily, commodities were up, anticipating rising inflation, and cryptos were higher. What made...
Major surrogacy conference seeks international...
The Vatican has just released a new document on the topic of human dignity. Among other issues, it addresses the ethical problems of surrogacy—including the commodification of babies and the financial exploitation of low-income women who are contracted to be surrogates. Ireland is in the process of adopting one of the most permissive laws in Europe on the issue, but elsewhere, opposition to the practice is mounting. A major conference advocating for a worldwide ban on surrogacy was held in...
Don't Believe The Propaganda
The tactic of repeating a falsehood until it's widely accepted as truth is a powerful form of propaganda, a concept highlighted by notable figures across history, including political leaders and even within totalitarian regimes. This method capitalizes on the psychological principle known as the availability heuristic, where the ease of recalling certain pieces of information leads individuals to overestimate their importance or truthfulness. As such, repeated exposure to the same falsehood...
The Victims Of Chaos
The Victims Of Chaos Posted on March 24, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, it’s probable the Hegelian manipulation the elite have unleashed on us, may turn on them, forcing them to accept our terms… a return to Constitutional rule. Waves of terror are about to sweep across our nation. Visited on us by elites in Washington DC. Elites who, to this point, have been safe. Because conservatives… conserve. The terrorists crossing our borders on the other hand are violent...
Thoughts for the End of the Century: ...
If you pay attention to current events, then you already know that former NFL running back and actor O.J. Simpson died yesterday. After hearing about his passing, I immediately reflected upon the 'Trial of the Century' that occurred during the 1990's in which Simpson was found to be not guilty of murdering his wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. I remember how divided America was at that time between those who thought that he was guilty and those who thought that he was innocent. ...
Narcissistic Elites
Narcissistic Elites Posted on April 12, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, as the small is an analogue of the large, in physics, chemistry and economics, small relationships mirror large ones. The large relationships are those between groups of people and small ones those between individuals. The analogue becomes apparent when we examine the narcissist and the source of narcissistic supply. In the family a parent is occasionally a narcissist. That parent then destroys the child...
“The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: ‘Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times.’” (Luke 22:61 NIV) “Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, ‘Follow me!’” (John 21:19 NIV) “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us.” (Ephesians 1:7-8a NIV) The most...
Thoughts for the End of the Century: The...
As we progress into the second quarter of the 21st century, two of the most powerful “buzzwords” that continue to make themselves heard are “liberty” and “equality.” It is hard to go a long time in the world of political discussion and commentary without encountering these loaded terms. The former may be utilised in situations such as the defence of gun rights, or the debate over freedom of speech, while the latter would perhaps be used to promote tax changes that will “benefit the...
The true purpose of Public Schools
To truly awaken the masses, in particular our youth, they must first be made aware that our public education system is based on a model of obedience and conformity. The Prussian model (modern day Germany) on which it is based is designed to teach them what to think, not how to think. It was first introduced in Ontario (Upper Canada back then) in the 1840's by Egerton Ryerson, son of Colonel Joseph Ryerson, who was not only an authoritarian type military man, but first and foremost, a united...
Value, Utility and Perception
Value, Utility and Perception Posted on April 19, 2024 by john Dear Friends, Its seems to me, value is entirely a perception, and not reality. Sometimes we value the utile but most often we value the things we’re told are valuable. No independent thinking necessary. When we do think for ourselves, our value judgments are based on our perception, and not reality. I’ve heard it said that we don’t see things… we see utility. A rock is invisible, else it’s a hammer, knife or tripping...
Thoughts for the End of the Century: Keeping...
One podcaster I regularly listen to has a saying: “The more things change, the more we must depend on those things that never change.” When thinking about the last three quarters of this century (and beyond), I intentionally anchor this statement at the forefront of my mind. Before looking forward, while reflecting on the last hundred years, we’ve witnessed technology advances shifting and reshaping our lives at an ever-increasing pace. Worldwide events like COVID, or politically charged...
A Guide to Social Justice Paradox - Part 3
In this series' installment of the Hilbert Problems for Social Justice, we delve further into troubled waters of deeply held beliefs: the intersection of genetic identity, right to life, and autonomy of choice. This marks the point at which I will diverge from Eric Weinstein's examples. Where before today's examination, we focused exclusively on self-contradictory couplets, today we additionally add a problematic tercet of ideas. Each thought distinct and often discussed openly as firmly...
RTE’s hopelessly unbalanced review of...
At a time when the government is considering a further liberalisation of our already permissive abortion legislation, RTE Investigates this week aired a documentary on “the realities of Ireland’s current abortion services” which was far from being fair and impartial. In fact, we didn’t get to hear from a single pro-life advocate, and it did not tell us that some of the experts we did get to hear from are, in fact, long-time pro-choice advocates. All in all, a very bad day’s work. The...
Exilio By The Ralphamale - A Fictional Story I was approached by someone close to Thinkspot and asked to come write here a little bit. I had already considered opening a SubStack, and I still might do that in conjunction with this, but I liked the guy and said yes. Why not, then? I’m in Argentinia, host of Deathwatch, my daily live stream on the internet. It used to air at night, but I started carrying this site called Nozy during the day, and their main man aired in my old slot. So, I just...
News of the Day Rising Star of Iran
The news today is that Iran seized a cargo ship owned by a Jew, and launch drone attacks against Israel. why wouldn’t they? Queers for Palestine run Biden optic, and the White House is a joke. Inclusive includes mentally derelicts and the gender psychotic to the highest policy of the land. American policy is to hold up their bums and say drill here. As if manna from heaven would be any more of a miracle drop than Biden landing his gig as Leader of the Free Workd. This is Alfred E....
Is anger useful? A martial artists notes
I was on facebook and saw a quote attributed to Bruce Lee saying you should express your anger. It made me think a bit and I decided to jot some notes. It turned into this, basically an essay. I thought it was maybe worth sharing. I didn’t edit it very much, mostly changed some of my own shorthand and added breaks in the text for readability. I feel with anger the first thing is to analyze and feel it, understand where it is coming from and why. Next one should decide it's worth, make a...
Conan the Barbarian comics are romance novels...
That’s right, I said it. I’m really not sure what the average Conan the Barbarian comic book reader looks like, but I’m one of them. 38 year old white guy who lives in suburban Texas with his wife and son. While my son is getting into Venom, I started picking up issues of Conan and some other adult oriented titles (e.g. the new Basic Instinct series from Sumerian comics). The first time I read Conan comics was years back when Dark Horse was publishing the IP. I got back into it recently...
A Guide to Social Justice Paradox - Part 2
In today's article on the Hilbert Problems for Social Justice, we venture further into labyrinthine ideas that challenge the increasingly deafening and confused idioms of social justice. Together we will further confront the paradoxes that fly on the masthead of progressive dogma. Unless untangled, these slogans threaten to undermine the very objectives they claim to value. On a brief personal note, I greatly appreciate your feedback thus far. As this series continues, people may find their...
What is the Proper Balance Between Loving and...
This question has been cropping up in my mind again and again of late. Loving God encompasses feelings of adoration, reverence, and devotion. It involves a deep emotional connection and a desire to cultivate a relationship based on love, trust, and intimacy. Love prompts acts of worship, gratitude, and service as expressions of devotion towards the divine. On the other hand, fearing God involves a sense of awe, respect, and humility in the face of the divine's power, authority, and majesty....
A Guide to Social Justice Paradox
This series of articles was inspired by statements by Eric Weinstein, on his podcast and others, hinting that there are irreconcilable contradictions from the left that he dubbed the “Hilbert Problems for Social Justice.” When two or more principles of inclusion or exclusion are both mobilized for social justice ends, their simultaneous application can, and, as we will see, often does lead to logical conflict. They are, as Eric said, "self-contradictory couplets." You can see Eric discuss...
Cancelled again!
Last time I spoke at Sydney University, the riot squad had to be called in to protect my audience from the baying mob of feminist activists trying to close the speech down. They didn’t like the fact I was speaking out about their efforts to force universities to set up kangaroo courts to adjudicate sexual assault. Funnily enough, this kerfuffle led to the Federal government calling an inquiry into free speech on campus, which ultimately led to laws which require universities to promote...
Upper Columbia River: The Human Health Assessment
This is part four of a series of articles about the proposed EPA Superfund site on the upper Columbia River. The previous articles are available here on thinkspot. In this article, we will dive deeper into data provided in the March 2024 Human Health Assessment. As part of the work being done after the 2006 settlement agreement between Teck American and the EPA, several intensive scientific studies have been underway. The work on these studies is being done under the supervision of the...
The Student: A Poem Fragment
“How might one appeal? How might one atone? I have come to feel That neither may be known. For who can say forsooth That he has been forgiven? In searching for the Truth, To madness he is driven! Upon what divine alter Must oneself be cast In order not to faulter And be redeemed at last? Where does salvation lie? How odd to so inquire; For one could not know why He ought to flee from fire.” So went the scholar’s lecture To his pupils in the hall; For retort, one might conjecture,...
Our Crazy Elites
Our Crazy Elites Posted on March 27, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, future historians will get rich, writing about the insanity of our elites. How could the most well educated people ever, go utterly insane? That will be the theme. Millions of words will be carefully crafted into pages and books about it. Novels will be fashioned about the lives of those who allowed it to happen. Statisticians will count up the deaths in the hundreds of millions, again, because of government...
A Guide for Social Justice Paradox - Part 4
Part four of the "Hilbert Problems for Social Justice" takes on gender vs racial politics and how the documented rules differ for different out-groups. It is precisely this lack of consistency we're after in this series. Our quest is to unravel the inconsistencies that pepper the moral landscape, seeking clarity amid the cacophony of social justice rhetoric. An anonymous reader shared a thought-provoking observation, noting the escalating 'ante' for social acceptance within these groups, "I...
Jokes, Idioms and Irreverence
Jokes, Idioms and Irreverence Posted on March 28, 2024 by john Dear Friends, How is the DOJ like a vulture? Their astounding ability to stomach corruption. The EU elites are saving the planet. They’re shutting down European farms to meet net zero targets. Where will the food come from you ask? The South American rain forest will be cleared to grow it. If a cow burps, and a progressive isn’t there to record it, are all white people still racist? They say screen writing is hard and you...
Pharmaceuticals or Lifestyle Medicine?
While I often voice concerns about the medical system and the influence of the pharmaceutical industry, it's clear to me that the majority of doctors genuinely strive for the well-being of their patients and recognize the importance of lifestyle medicine. Certainly, there are those who may be overly influenced by what can sometimes appear as pharmaceutical propaganda, masquerading as 'rigorous studies'. Yet, many are enlightened and aware. A glaring oversight in our current healthcare model...
The earnest, the privileged and the dark horse
In the tapestry of society, threads of earnest effort, inherent privilege, and unrecognized potential weave together to shape individual destinies and societal dynamics. These three categories—The Earnest, The Privileged, and The Dark Horse—offer lenses through which we can explore the complexities of achievement, opportunity, and destiny. The Earnest: At the heart of every success story lies the narrative of earnest effort. These are the individuals who have overcome adversity through...
Unconventional MD: Navigating Health w/ Dr....
Hey Critical Thinkers! In our latest episode of Healthy & Awake Podcast, we dive into a profoundly enlightening conversation with Dr. Rachel Maurice, a visionary who transitioned from her traditional role as an Anesthesiologist into the realm of holistic and alternative medicine. With an impressive tenure of 20 years in the conventional Canadian medical system, Dr. Maurice brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective on the limitations and gaps within mainstream healthcare. Her...
Wokism And Its Appeal
It seems that "wokism", a sort of modern incarnation of the concept of "political correctness", is running rampant throughout Western cultures. Russia and China have used this phenomenon to mock Western freemarket democratic systems and their attendant freedoms. Russia and China use wokism as an example of the catastrophic bankruptcy and corruption of the West.The effects of wokism are everywhere. These wokist consequences are obvious if one observes carefully and knows what to pay attention...
Vindicating Peterson's stance on Covid with...
After seeing this clip of Jordan Peterson and “@Destiny” debating the justifiability of Covid mandates, I thought it would be fruitful to post two key facts that should outright define the discussion. The first surrounds the lethality of Covid and the second concerns the frequency of heart damage among the vaccinated. Covid is not significantly lethal to the majority of age deciles. By April of 2021, 6.9 million cases of Covid had been confirmed in the United Kingdom and case outcomes were...
Stopping Illegal Immigration
Stopping Illegal Immigration Posted on March 30, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, illegal immigration could be stopped by the Republican controlled House, today, if they had the will. That they don’t, shows they don’t. How? By passing a law forbidding non citizens from accessing any social services. If they come here… they’re on their own. No welfare, no free phone, no free food, no free housing, no free anything… but a ticket home. Turn off the magnet and the filings fall...
Femininity and “Mastering” the Fool
“I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.". ― F. Scott Fitzgerald It’s not difficult to think of the archetypal fool as a bit of a derogatory term. We tend to discuss this in regard to an apprenticeship. Jordan Peterson states, “If you are not willing to be a fool, you will never become the master.” As an adolescent and in my early twenties, I’m not quite sure I understood the positive and negative aspects of both roles. I made...
Special Resurrection Sunday Thought: 👉 The...
“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3 NIV) “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’” (John 8:12 NIV) “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.” (John 20:1 NIV) As we look closer at crucifixion weekend, today being the day we...
The Tick
The Tick Posted on April 17, 2024 by john Dear Friends… Two guys, JOE and STEVE are in Steve’s apartment. Joe is relaxing on the sofa. Steve is rummaging in the kitchen. STEVE asks, “Want a beer?” Joe scratches the back of his neck. JOE says, “Yea. Thanks.” Joe rubs the back of his neck. Steve goes to the fridge. He opens it and grabs a couple of beers. Joe looks at Steve in time to catch a beer. He catches it. Opens it. He takes a gulp. Steve walks to the easy chair. He sets down. Picks...
Thoughts for the End of the Century: Life...
As a kid growing up in the 1970’s, the Cold War dangled the threat of nuclear war every chance it could find in our little minds. We were, at times, paralyzed by the thought of a nuclear bomb being dropped on our neighborhood. Our playground battles with the Russians were almost a daily occurrence. Today, a new threat by Communist China and the Russians has again brought the discussion of nuclear threat to the forefront. Russia’s President Putin has released a target map of potential...
thinkspot Newsletter 4/18
Polarization, AI, Lone Wolf, and more. Join us on Thurs. April 18 with Gregg Hurwitz as we discuss polarization, AI, and his new book By thinkspotthinkspot Writers’ Contest ($1,000 grand prize) By thinkspotThoughts for the End of the Century, Butterflies and All By DanielSandersonThoughts for the End of the Century, Own Your Outcomes : Or They'll Own You! By KaizenAndrockThoughts for the end of the century - the path of the hearth fire By CraigJamesThoughts for the End of the Century: ...
Apple, Amazon, And Google: Are They...
The Story of the Most Critical Anti-Trust Action in a Generation. Tech Giants: Google/Alphabet, Amazon, Apple Computer, Infinity, Microsoft. Few organizations throughout history have exceeded the modern American mega-corporation when it comes to gathering money, power, and influence. The question becomes: are these companies so dominant that they can be considered a “monopoly?” The term “monopoly” is tricky. In the United States, we like to define it in the legal sense. Something is a...
Think You Can't Be Fooled?
Sometimes, what's right in front of us isn't what it seems. Our brains, in their quest for efficiency, employ heuristics and biases—shortcuts that, while useful, can make us susceptible to influence. Propaganda exploits these shortcuts through narrative control, fostering group conformity via bipartisan politics, and leveraging authority to forge a consensus. These are just a few of the ways it shapes our thoughts and perceptions. Similarly, marketing mirrors these tactics but focuses on...
The Right Shouldn’t Defund NPR, It Should Work...
Let’s turn it up to 11 For the first time in its 54-year history, NPR is enjoyable. The entertainment is not coming from the programming, though, but from the fallout from Uri Berliner’s whistleblower report at the Free Press about the ideological silo that is the broadcaster. Once Berliner got people’s attention, the extremely public record of insane proclamations from NPR’s CEO Katherine Maher came to light. That’s when the fun really began. Maher, as Matt Taibbi noted at Racket News, has...
Back MEDITATIONS II today! Join in Akira and the gang in a celebration of, and an execution of... THE POWER! TRACKLISTING Kanye West x Point Point - PowerAkira The Don - OPPORTUNITYAkira The Don - How I Made Meaningwave (feat. Jordan Peterson)Akira The Don & Danika XIX - WHO WILL PLAY GODAkira The Don - Mind Over Mind (Instrumental)Akira The Don - my mind 145 G#minor - 12A - 145Akira The Don - Watch What Is Going On (Instrumental)Akira The Don - Your Biggest Enemy (Instrumental)Akira The...
When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of...
Click here to join me Thursday, April 4th at 6pm EST for a discussion on this important topic. Does your workplace have too few black people in top jobs? It’s racist. Does the advanced math and science high school in your city have too many Asians? It’s racist. Does your local museum employ too many white women? It’s racist, too. After the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, prestigious American institutions, from the medical profession to the fine arts, pleaded guilty to “systemic racism.”...
Moderate Inflation
Moderate Inflation Posted on April 18, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the experts claim inflation is under control, if you simply change what you buy. Instead of beef switch to pork, if that becomes too expensive, switch to chicken, and then roadkill… you see, its all in the budgeting. That’s how they come to a 3% inflation rate. After a few more years of this moderate inflation… only the rich will be able to afford road kill. The rest of us will be eating bugs, greenbriar...
Back MEDITATIONS II today Its! The! SUPER REQUEST SHOW! In which Meaningwave Enjoyers Superchat their requests to get their Meaningwave song of choice played! YOU HAVE THE POWER TO PROGRAM THE ULTIMATE MEANINGWAVE LIVE SET! GET AFTER IT! TRACKLISTING Akira The Don & Johnny Cash - RAGGED OLD FLAGAkira The Don - HARD WORK (Instrumental)Akira The Don ft. Paul Harvey - HARD WORKAkira The Don & Joseph Campbell - The IndividualAkira The Don & Danika XIX - THE WISE MAN AND THE FOOLAkira The Don ft....

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